Elon Musk posts memes about collapsed Twitter deal as company prepares legal act...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/95250-elon-musk-posts-memes-about-collapsed-twitter-deal.html
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Elon Musk posts memes about collapsed Twitter deal as company prepares legal action


By Rob Thubron July 11, 2022, 11:33 AM 14 comments
Elon Musk posts memes about collapsed Twitter deal as company prepares legal action

In context: Now that Elon Musk has walked away from the Twitter deal, the platform is assembling a legal team hoping to force the Tesla boss into completing the $44 billion acquisition. The self-described edgelord responded to the threat not with words but with Chuck Norris memes.

Musk's takeover of Twitter looked in doubt from the moment he announced it was on hold in May as his team looked to confirm reports that the number of fake accounts on the site represented less than 5% of its userbase.

Musk later warned that Twitter's alleged refusal to hand over exact numbers relating to spam/fake accounts constituted a material breach of the deal, leaving him free to walk away without paying the $1 billion termination fee. That scenario looked closer than ever on Friday, and Musk finally dropped his bid over the weekend.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 11, 2022

The world's richest man hasn't tweeted about the deal falling apart, but he has posted a couple of memes. The first shows him laughing at the events that have taken place throughout the attempted acquisition: Twitter refusing to sell, not disclosing the bot information, and the upcoming legal case. Another meme simply showed internet favorite Chuck Norris playing chess, complete with the phrase "Chuckmate," which was doubtlessly another reference to the Twitter saga.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 11, 2022

Bloomberg reports that Twitter is now preparing to file suit against Musk to try and close the deal in what will be a battle between two heavyweight law firms. Twitter's share price, meanwhile, is feeling the effects of a turbulent few months. It fell as low as $34.17 in pre-market trading, which could wipe around $2 billion off the company's market value. That's a long way off the $54.20-per-share offer Musk made in April.

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