Upgrade to iPad mini 6, keep 2018 iPad Pro 11, or wait | MacRumors Forums

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/upgrade-to-ipad-mini-6-keep-2018-ipad-pro-11-or-wait.2350280/
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Upgrade to iPad mini 6, keep 2018 iPad Pro 11, or wait


macrumors newbie

Original poster

I am considering upgrading my iPad (currently 2018 iPad Pro 11) to the iPad mini 6 and need some input.

I do typical iPad things with my iPad (content consumption, light email, web browsing, etc), but I also do 2 additional things:
  • Edit RAW photos in Lightroom while on the go
  • Use it for Zwift for indoor bike training
Should I keep my iPad Pro 11, upgrade, or just wait?

To be clear, I'm interested in the Mini 6 because of its size and portability. I have a MBP 14, so I don't need an iPad to be a laptop replacement (i.e. don't care about keyboard support, stage manager, etc). I also have the latest iPhone with the A15 chip, so I'm familiar with how it performs in a phone, but wasn't sure how it would do as a future-proof iPad processor.

Any input from anyone else who does quite a bit of RAW photo editing or does training on Zwift that can add some input on how the A15 performs?

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