BookRatel - The perfect place to share quickly your reading experience | Product...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/bookratel
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The perfect place to share quickly your reading experience.

Finding the right book to read can be daunting task. With so many books out there, it can be hard to know which one to pick up. BookRatel provides a simple way for readers to rate and explore new books based on personal recommendations and reviews from others.
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Hi everyone! A new service has been launched with the intention to popularise reading among people. This is a resource where readers can search and rate books in an extremely easy and funny way.

The website has been designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that makes it easy to find and rate books. There are also plenty of features to keep users entertained, such as book recommendations and virtual bookshelves.

We believe, that this is a great resource for anyone who loves to read!

This is an early version of the product, so I kindly ask you to give your opinion about it. I would be happy to hear your recommendations and advices.

Congratulations on the launch! It looks like an excellent platform for readers! Wanted to ask if there’s going to be a discussion platform on the book profile page as well?
@ishabansod Thank you! That sounds as a good idea. Will add it to the backlog :)
Sounds interesting! Is it planned to add the option like to search similar books maybe by tags and not just by genre?
@new_user_232b4298cd Thanks! Yes, definitely. There is planned a more detailed book search integration later.

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