UK-Based Oxford Quantum Circuits Raises $47M to Accelerate Quantum-Computing Dev...

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/uk-based-oxford-quantum-circuits-raises-47m-to-accelerate-quantum-computing-development/
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UK-Based Oxford Quantum Circuits Raises $47M to Accelerate Quantum-Computing Development

  • July 5, 2022

UK-based Oxford Quantum Circuits is announcing £38 million ($47 million) in funding to fuel the growth of its own contribution to the space — a patented 3D processor architecture it calls Coaxmon, plus quantum-computing-as-a-service that will run on it.

Lansdowne Partners and The University of Tokyo Edge Capital Partners (UTEC) a deep tech fund out of Japan, are co-leading the round, with British Patient Capital, Oxford Science Enterprises (OSE) and Oxford Investment Consultants (OIC) also participating.

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