July 2022 news roundup – renewed as Microsoft MVP and ninth edition of the Offic...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.michev.info/Blog/Post/3955/july-2022-news-roundup-renewed-as-microsoft-mvp-and-ninth-edition-of-the-office-365-for-it-pros-book-is-out
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July 2022 news roundup – renewed as Microsoft MVP and ninth edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros book is out!

Due to some unforeseen delay, this year the MVP renewal announcement was shifted from it’s traditional July 1st date. So with some delay, I’m happy to announce that I have been re-awarded as a Microsoft MVP for another year (8th or 9th, depending on how we count them). I am again awarded in both the Enterprise Mobility and M365 Apps & Services categories.

And as customary at this time of the year, I’m also glad to announce the release of the new, updated and improved, ninth edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros book, for which I continue to serve as technical editor. It’s been a busy two months, but now it’s time to hit the beach. I’ll be spamming more posts here in the coming weeks, hope you’ve enjoyed the relatively quiet time 🙂

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Joyk means Joy of geeK