The 2022 State of Protective Intelligence Report — Free Download

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/the-2022-state-of-protective-intelligence-report--free-download/
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The 2022 State of Protective Intelligence Report — Free Download

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To better understand the current threat landscape, Ontic surveyed 300 physical security, legal and compliance leaders from U.S. enterprise companies.

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Download the report for insights on:

Why More Threats Will Be Missed: Companies are experiencing a dramatic increase in physical threat volume and frequency resulting in more missed threats in 2022

Ignored Risks to Business Continuity: How failure to imagine the unimaginable — and inaction — will result in an inability to be prepared when crises arise across the organization

Security Intelligence Consolidation: The trend toward unifying threat intelligence, monitoring and alerting solutions across physical and cyber security, HR, legal and compliance

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The 2022 State of Protective Intelligence Report — Free Download
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