Cashews for iOS & Android

 2 years ago
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Ranked #1 for today

Cashews for iOS & Android

Smart no-budgeting app that knows what's safe to spend

Free Options
Meet your smart personal accountant who'll tell you exactly what you can safely spend every day, week, and month without having a budget πŸ’° Cashews effortesly tracks your finances with an advanced cashflow algorithm and supports 12,000+ US banks.
A new doc for teams

Hi ProductHunt community! πŸŽ‰

I'm Romano from Cashews Finance. Personally, this is a very exciting moment as we're proud to present a different kind of personal finance app that doesn't focus on budgeting at all. Instead, Cashews focuses on what you can safely spend!

πŸ€” Who’s it for?

It is for people who would like to glance at their personal finances, know where the money is going across all connected accounts, and see what's safe to spend!

🚫 Not just another budgeting app!

We noticed that most personal finance apps offer an insane level of customization and complexity. So we don't bother you with categorization or unnecessary personal questions.

πŸš€ Why are you doing this?

It was our number 1 quest to give you access to all personal finance essentials in one place, user-friendly as f*ck. It is like having a professional advisor EVERYWHERE you go. 

πŸ€“ How does it work?

Cashews connects to 12,000+ US bank & credit card accounts, tracks your spending, analyzes your income & expenses, and shows precisely how much you can safely spend every day, week, or month without feeling guilty or overspending. You are one push of a button away from never worrying about personal finances ever again.

πŸ” Privacy first policy

Most β€œfree” personal finance apps work okay, but are really selling your data to advertisers and receive commissions from financial service providers. We’ll never sell your data. 
 πŸ’Έ Show me the money

It costs real money to establish secure connections with banks while staying privacy-focused. We’re in this for the long haul. We want to continue building and improving on Cashews for years to come, and subscription pricing makes that possible.

πŸ›οΈ Special launch discount

We’re offering 30% of all plans to celebrate our launch on Product Hunt. The monthly plan is only $5.99 (instead of $8.49), and the yearly is only $55.99 (instead of $80.99). If you choose annual billing, it’s an additional 30% off!

🎩 What about your story?

Oh yes, our founder @jonmanuzak will explain a bit in detail where the idea comes from!

πŸ’› Thank you!

Meet our team members who put in a ton of effort in the last 12 months to make it a pleasant experience for our users: - Designers: @tim_sfiligoj @tea_350life - Developers: @sviatoslav_m @alex_sinelnikov @jeremiah_parrack1 - Community: @nejc1000 - Product & Marketing: @galaxyx7

A special shoutout goes to our beta testers, who helped us uncover all possible edge cases. Thanks a lot, guys!

πŸ”— Download links: Website, App Store, Play Store. You can also join our Discord community!.

Cashews for iOS & Android is currently only available in the US. We're working hard to support other countries in the future!

πŸ‘‹ Hi Product Hunt,

I'm Jonathan, the founder of Cashews Finance, and I am super excited to share Cashews with the Product Hunt community! The first little seed of Cashews started way back in 2014 in response to my growing anxiety around my personal finances. I had a young family and was feeling increasingly stretched money-wise. We were leaning more on credit cards, less cash was going into savings, and it was literally keeping me up at night.

Rather than lay in bed and worry, I started getting up early in the morning and built a little tool that would scrape the bank websites and send me a text message with the balances of the accounts every day at 7am. Looking at that every morning gave me confidence that we were not, in fact, going to run out of money today and it put our finances top of mind as I made spending decisions during the day. I improved this tool over the years to add cash flow analysis, reporting, and better access to the banks. What I really wanted to do, though, was shut it down and use someone else's app. In pursuit of that, I used over 50 personal finance apps between 2014 and 2020. There are a lot of great solutions out there if you want to maintain a budget and categorize every transaction, but I don't want to do that. I just want to know that I'm spending less than I make and that when I choose to purchase something, it will not push me off track financially.

In the second half of 2020, like many of you, I spent a lot of time at home and inside! I was looking for a new adventure and decided that it was time to turn my homegrown personal finance solution into an actual product for other people to use. So, after the enthusiastic responses from potential customers and many conversations with personal finance professionals and UX designers, I started to sketch out what would become Cashews.

I often get questions about the name; the honest truth is, it was an idea from my then four-year-old daughter, and I have no idea where she came up with it (though we do eat a lot of cashews in our house!). Early on, we were discussing it as a family, and I felt blocked without a name for the project. She suggested I call it Cashews and move on. I was initially skeptical, but the more we used the name, the more encouragement we received, and the more it seemed to fit!

In the time since those early conversations, I have been fortunate to work with an amazing, passionate, and dedicated team to turn this idea into a product. With the help of beta testers and early customers (shoutout to the Cashews Discord folks!), we iterated on the app as fast as we could to implement our core feature set. As a result, we have built what I believe is the best no-budget personal finance application available today, and we are excited to welcome so many new people to Cashews every day. Of course, there is a full roadmap of other features we would like to add, so we're by no means done, but it's exciting to be at this milestone and have the opportunity to share Cashews with Product Hunt.

The team and I are happy to answer any questions you may have!

- Jonathan

Glad to help people to optimise their spendings and save a bit of $$

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