Three Coins That Could Explode in the Next Bull Run: Polkadot (DOT), Mehracki (M...

 2 years ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/three-coins-that-could-explode-in-the-next-bull-run-polkadot-dot-mehracki-mki-and-avalanche-avax/
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Three Coins That Could Explode in the Next Bull Run: Polkadot (DOT), Mehracki (MKI) and Avalanche (AVAX)


The cryptocurrency market is currently in a state of gloom. Combined with increased global inflation, the market continues to plummet every day. At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s price is $20,000, a far cry from its all-time high of $65,000 in November 2021. The bear market presents investors with the opportunity to buy coins at lower prices. Some of the coins that might be a good investment in the next bull run are Polkadot (DOT), Avalanche (AVAX) and a new cryptocurrency, Mehracki (MKI).

Before we take a look at each of these tokens, let us look at how to invest in a bear market. Investing in a bear market is not rocket science, but there are some basic things you have to know. First of all, buying the dip is not a fool-proof strategy. You can buy a coin for a ‘good’ price, but it might go low even further. So, before you decide to buy the dip, make sure that you have a good entry.

Secondly, you have to buy into projects that have value. Unfortunately, some coins might not survive this current bear market. Look for coins with good utility, preferably those that are community inclusive. These two principles can guide you on how to invest in a bear market. When buying coins, look at these three coins that might explode in the next bull run.


Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot (DOT) is a coin that might arise in the next bull run because of its unique utility: parachains. Dot’s blockchain can transfer information between blockchains, making it a good tool in the future as many companies would want to take advantage of this interoperability. 

Polkadot also has a scalable blockchain that developers might want to use to create futuristic solutions. The coin is currently at $7 but is expected to rise to at least $50 in the next bull run.

Avalanche (AVAX)

Smart contracts are already gaining ground in today’s world, as many industries from healthcare to banking are employing smart contracts. Avalanche is one blockchain that is making smart contracts easy to create and deploy. This blockchain can be used to develop dApps, and launch blockchains and is energy saving.

Avalanche is one of the fastest blockchains in the field of smart contracts. Developers can also take advantage of this blockchain to launch their Ethereum dApps and decongest the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain.


Mehracki (MKI)

Although it is a relatively new cryptocurrency, Mehracki (MKI) is another project you should add to your watchlist. This meme token is more than a joke. It is a coin that really has a metaverse value. 

The best part of this Mehracki (MKI) token is that it is created for the community, and most of its utility is tied to its community. So when you buy this token, you become part of a community that may shape how the metaverse works. 

All three coins are poised to do well in a bull run. Both Polkadot (DOT) and Avalanche (AVAX) might have launched, but you can still be super early on the Mehracki (MKI) token. In fact, you can buy it right now through the presale here. To know more about this metaverse meme token, you can check out the token’s social links below:

Presale: https://buy.mehracki.io/register

Website: www.mehracki.io

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mehrackitoken

Telegram: https://t.me/Mehracki_Official

Always conduct proper research when dealing with pre-sales of currencies and tokens. The information above does not constitute investment advice by CryptoMode or its team, nor does it reflect the views of the website or its staff. 

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