Microsoft Edge Will Soon Get a Built-in Speed Test Feature

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-edge-will-soon-get-a-built-in-speed-test-feature-535622.shtml
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Microsoft started working on new browser features

   Microsoft Edge getting new improvements

Microsoft Edge is a browser that’s getting better and better, and the living proof isn’t only the frequent updates the app receives but also its roadmap.

The role of the roadmap is to provide us with a closer look at what’s to come for Microsoft Edge both in the short and in the long term, and as observed by German site Dr. Windows, the software giant has already started the work on some pretty exciting new goodies.

“Easily access commonly used tools while you browse the web, including Calculator, Internet speed test, and Unit converter,” Microsoft says on the Microsoft 365 roadmap.

According to the software giant, the rollout of these features should start in August, so we’re only a few months away from the moment we’ll finally have a built-in unit converter and calculator in Microsoft Edge.

The Internet speed test tool, in particular, is the one that will come in handy not only for users who want to figure out just how fast their Internet connection really is but also for browser speed comparison tests.

Such tests have long been of high interest for users across the world, especially because the battle between Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer, and Firefox has been rather fierce at some points.

The focus on browser performance

Right now, however, both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge come with notable improvements in terms of performance, and Microsoft, in particular, is working non-stop on making its browser friendlier when it comes to system resources.

The living proof is none other than the debut of sleeping tabs, a feature that automatically puts tabs you haven’t used for some time on sleep, therefore freeing up the resources. Sleeping tabs has so far contributed to massive performance boosts, with Microsoft recently revealing the feature put to sleep 6 billion tabs in just one month.         

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