Startup GOATED.gg To Ride The Crypto Tsunami Towards Success with Gamer NFT Plat...

 2 years ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/startup-goated-gg-to-ride-the-crypto-tsunami-towards-success-with-gamer-nft-platform/
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Startup GOATED.gg To Ride The Crypto Tsunami Towards Success with Gamer NFT Platform

CryptoMode GOATED.gg

Blockchain technology made its debut in the industry a few years ago, and what it is creating is leaving people in awe. Growing online networks of decentralized nodes are creating many ‘metaverses’ which offer whole new user experiences, entertainment and engagement opportunities. More blockchains are dedicating their development to gaming, including booming new digital marketplaces for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

NFTs and other gaming crypto are a way to provide exciting new experiences for users while offering them many incentives within their ecosystems. Knowing what the blockchain gaming industry entails is wise if you are interested in joining and investing in the quickly growing sector.

Recently, GOATED chose the level 1 Solana Blockchain to launch its innovative gamercentric NFT minting, selling, and trading platform. It will feature content from the very best competitive gamers and content creators from around the world assembled on goated.gg to create and distribute their GOATED GamerClips, GamerCards, and GamerCoins for the entire gaming community to enjoy, collect, and value. 

It’s the ultimate gamer discovery site and marketplace and the best new method to give continuing support to your favorite gamers. 

GOATED ‘Creators’’ are all hardworking and passionate professional video gamers and video game content creators from all over the world who are dedicated to their fans and followers. Unlike other NFT Marketplaces, the GOATED platform supports and benefits GOATED players and their followers by offering the largest sales payout % and ongoing royalties payments to all GOATED Gamers. The platform is also launching ENGAGE TO EARN™ an innovative incentives system that rewards all GOATED members for doing what they already love doing: 

  • Watch to Earn 
  • Comment to Earn 
  • Collect to Earn 
  • Trade to Earn 
  • Stake to Earn 
  • Subscribe to Earn 
  • Follow to Earn 
  • Nominate to Earn 
  • Vote to Earn 
  • Share to Earn 

You can also use GOATED to: 

  • Nominate and vote for your favorite gamer(s) to get GOATED and watch their careers blowup. 
  • Get notified of new and upcoming NFT releases. 
  • Buy and trade GOATED GamerClips, GamerCards, and GamerCoins on the goated.gg marketplace and watch your collection grow. At the same time, all primary and secondary NFT sales on the GOATED Marketplace earn ongoing royalties for all GOATED gamers and content creators. 
  • Everyone in the worldwide gamer community may participate in GOATED’s ‘ENGAGE TO EARN’ Gamerconomy to earn GOATED Coins and rewards for doing what you already love doing: 
  • Watch to Earn, Comment to Earn, Collect to Earn, Transact to Earn, Stake to Earn, Nominate to Earn, Vote to Earn, and Share to Earn are all ways for fans and followers to earn rewards. 

E2E (Engage to Earn) is a fantastic new method to keep supporting your favorite GOATED Gamers while also acquiring assets and earning rewards for yourself.

Safe to say, blockchain gaming is digging its roots deep into crypto and the gaming world. 

It is also a way of exploring new options to engage more users, a practical step towards adoption of these new technologies. Considering the ever-growing number of platforms supporting blockchain games today, there is much more to explore within this quickly developing space. 

Yet this is only a little taste of what the blockchain gaming industry offers now and its potential in the coming years. The multibillion-dollar industry will see unprecedented growth in value and both content and technical innovations beyond most expectations. 

And if you’re a gamer looking for a gamer friendly NFT marketplace and community to explore, check out GOATED.gg. 

Bruce Spector, CEO/Founder 


[email protected]

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