BaseTemplates 2.0

 2 years ago
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BaseTemplates 2.0

Everything you need to raise money for your startup

Free Options
Raising capital is hard, but we decided to change that. With our templates, resources, and tools you save time and money and learn how to fundraise.
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Hey Product Hunt Community 🖐❤️ ,

I am back with some huge news. Today we are launching BaseTemplates 2.0 - your place to go for everything fundraising-related.

When I first started to build BaseTemplates we just had a single template and were helping a handful of founders every week with their fundraising.

But over the last two years a lot has happened and now we are supporting thousands of founders per month.

To do so we have created & updated a whole bunch of products & resources:

Free Tools & Resources:

👉 Startup Fundraising Checklist 👉 200+ Real Pitch Deck Examples 👉 Investor Pitch Training (100+ Real Investor Questions) 👉 Fundraising Checklist 👉 How to raise money eBook 👉 Pitch Deck Slides Explained

Paid Templates & Courses:

🤑 Pitch Deck Template 📊 Financial Model Template 💸 Notion Fundraising CRM 🚩 Online Course “How to fundraise and build your pitch deck”

Furthermore, it’s the first time we created a bundle of all our favorite products (https://www.basetemplates.com/st...).

As it was always our goal to support fellow founders we’ll keep on doing this in the future. Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

I hope you enjoy the new version and get some value out of it for you!

🚀 Happy fundraising!


About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK