
 2 years ago
source link: https://tunnelhub.io/
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Build integrations like a

Well-architected templates for creating integrations faster and the best observability and monitoring for end-users

The only-one solution that you need for integrations

Create using your usual tools

Create an integration today. Build as usual, faster.

Monitor your executions

All-in-one panel for business users and developers too.

Optimized for performance and costs

100% serverless solution, no need for any infrastructure

Monitoring screenshot

Advanced observability and automated alerts

Executions with trace and execution logs by default without effort and scalable. Send alerts to your business users automatically


Generate webhooks entry points in seconds, with standard authentication and implementation examples in the most used programming languages

Start Your 14 days Free Trial
Monitoring screenshot

Highly Secure

Security is our priority. A product that always uses least-privileged permissions for AWS Services.

Standard AWS tools

Use the best AWS Standard tools like Lambda, ECS Fargate, Step Functions, DynamoDB, and much more.

Fast Development

Templates for everything. Most used integration flows with tests and documentation ready to use.

Unlimited users

Create many developers or end-users as you need without additional costs or plan upgrade

We are offering 14-day free premium trial

Try 14 Days free trial

Check our simple plans

Plans are easy to understand, with predictable costs


  • Up to 3 active integrations
  • Runtime using Lambda
  • Up to 128MB memory
  • Webhooks
  • Schedules up to once a day
  • Execution time up to 30s
  • Logs retention up to 7 day
  • 200 seconds / month
  • No support included


  • All free features
  • No limit for active integrations
  • Up to 256MB memory
  • Execution time up to 15 minutes
  • Schedules up to 1 minute interval
  • Logs retention up to 30 days
  • Buy execution seconds on-demand
  • Custom application domain
  • Standard Support


  • All premium features
  • Connect your AWS Account
  • Runtime using Fargate or Lambda
  • Up to 30GB of runtime memory
  • Unlimited execution time
  • API Gateway Monitoring
  • SSO powered by AWS Cognito
  • Custom APIs domain
  • Priority Support

Frequently asked questions

Is AWS Account required for free or premium plans?

No, you don't need an AWS account for Started and Shared Plans. Your integrations will run in our managed AWS account and charge in a second base.

How works the AWS Account connection?

We use AWS IAM/STS to connect using the role provided during the setup. Revoke and define permissions anytime and with all support by our documentation.

Can you show me an example?

You can check implementation examples in our {link} or {documentation}

I still have questions!

No problem! Drop a message at [email protected], and we will answer ASAP!

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