Agenda Techorama 2022 | Techorama

 2 years ago
source link: https://techorama.be/agenda/session/pain-grief-perseverance-and-technology-overflow/
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Pain, Grief, Perseverance and Technology (Overflow)

  • Tuesday 24 May 2022
  • 08:45 - 09:45 | Room 9
  • Keynote | Intermediate
Everyone's story is different but we all can find inspiration in the similarities of life's challenges. My story began at the ripe age of 13 when I was traveling the world and hanging out of helicopters on TV above an erupting volcano. Next was sailing on a boat around the entire planet. Then...life. From success and "fame" at an early age, to the pain and anguish of mental illness, to a successful (yet often times complicated) career in technology, I'll chronicle my journey and what lessons I've learned along the way. Lift people up. Make others famous. Smile from the background. Breathe.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK