bitmap技术解析:redis与roaringBitmap - 等你归去来

 2 years ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client


1. bitmap使用场景说明




2. bitmap的通俗理解


3. redis的bitmap实现




    简单来说就是,string底层的存储也是二进制的,也就是说string天生就看起来和bitmap的存储类似,比如'ab'的底层存储就是\x61\x62, 拆解成二进制就是 0110 0001 0110 0010。如果我我们直接将其代表bitmap操作数,那么总共就有6个数据有值,分别是2,3,8,10,11,15位有值。这样说bitmap应该很清晰了。

    接下来我们来讨论下一个空间问题。我们知道一个16位的二进制可以表示最大 65536,32位最大表示 4294967296,好像一个比较小的位就可以表示很大的数据了。但是这和我们说的bitmap还不一样,在这里,一个16位的二进制数只能表示16个bitmap值,32位数只能表示32个值。从这点来说,bitmap好像很浪费空间呢。我们知道,现在的大多数机器都是64位的。所以,如果我以这种结构存储的话,应该只能存64个标识了。



setbit key offset 1|0
getbit key
bitcount key


// bitops.c
// 操作命令: setbit key offset 0|1
/* SETBIT key offset bitvalue */
void setbitCommand(client *c) {
    robj *o;
    char *err = "bit is not an integer or out of range";
    uint64_t bitoffset;
    ssize_t byte, bit;
    int byteval, bitval;
    long on;
  // 解析 offset 值
    if (getBitOffsetFromArgument(c,c->argv[2],&bitoffset,0,0) != C_OK)
  // 解析 0|1 值
    if (getLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&on,err) != C_OK)
  // 只接受0|1的输入,其他一律报错
    /* Bits can only be set or cleared... */
    if (on & ~1) {
  // 获取key对应的string对象,方便后续操作
    int dirty;
    if ((o = lookupStringForBitCommand(c,bitoffset,&dirty)) == NULL) return;

  // 计算偏移量: 1byte=8bit, 所以真正的位所在就等于 byte大定位 + 小移位
  // 从高到低计数, 即类似于 big-endian
    /* Get current values */
    byte = bitoffset >> 3;
    byteval = ((uint8_t*)o->ptr)[byte];
    bit = 7 - (bitoffset & 0x7);
    bitval = byteval & (1 << bit);

    /* Either it is newly created, changed length, or the bit changes before and after.
     * Note that the bitval here is actually a decimal number.
     * So we need to use `!!` to convert it to 0 or 1 for comparison. */
    if (dirty || (!!bitval != on)) {
    // 先取反保留当前值, 再重新设置on 进去
        /* Update byte with new bit value. */
        byteval &= ~(1 << bit);
        byteval |= ((on & 0x1) << bit);
        ((uint8_t*)o->ptr)[byte] = byteval;
    // 集群扩散
  // 返回旧的值给客户端
    /* Return original value. */
    addReply(c, bitval ? shared.cone : shared.czero);
// 查找key对应的 string 对象
/* This is a helper function for commands implementations that need to write
 * bits to a string object. The command creates or pad with zeroes the string
 * so that the 'maxbit' bit can be addressed. The object is finally
 * returned. Otherwise if the key holds a wrong type NULL is returned and
 * an error is sent to the client. */
robj *lookupStringForBitCommand(client *c, uint64_t maxbit, int *dirty) {
    size_t byte = maxbit >> 3;
    robj *o = lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1]);
    if (checkType(c,o,OBJ_STRING)) return NULL;
    if (dirty) *dirty = 0;

    if (o == NULL) {
        o = createObject(OBJ_STRING,sdsnewlen(NULL, byte+1));
        if (dirty) *dirty = 1;
    } else {
        o = dbUnshareStringValue(c->db,c->argv[1],o);
        size_t oldlen = sdslen(o->ptr);
        o->ptr = sdsgrowzero(o->ptr,byte+1);
        if (dirty && oldlen != sdslen(o->ptr)) *dirty = 1;
    return o;



1. 会存在较大间隙值,比如一开始就存储一个较大的偏移标识进去,比如8位的偏移,就可能让内存占用上M级别(然而你还什么都没干);



4. roaringbitmap实现


    roaringbitmap使用多级分段存储方式,避免了直接存储的问题:一是空隙值问题,二是数值限制问题。它主要通过将64位2个32位存储,将32位分2个16位存储的方式实现。其操作主要有:add/contains/getlongcadinaty... 等常规接口。




// 1. 引入依赖包
// 2. 建立单元测试
    public void testRoaringBitmap() {
        Roaring64NavigableMap bitmapObj = new Roaring64NavigableMap();
        boolean exists = bitmapObj.contains(1);
        long eleSize = bitmapObj.getLongCardinality();
        System.out.println("exits:" + exists + ", eleSize:" + eleSize);
// 具体实现
// Roaring64NavigableMap
   * Set all the specified values to true. This can be expected to be slightly faster than calling
   * "add" repeatedly. The provided integers values don't have to be in sorted order, but it may be
   * preferable to sort them from a performance point of view.
   * @param dat set values
  public void add(long... dat) {
    for (long oneLong : dat) {
   * Add the value to the container (set the value to "true"), whether it already appears or not.
   * Java lacks native unsigned longs but the x argument is considered to be unsigned. Within
   * bitmaps, numbers are ordered according to {@link Long#compareUnsigned}. We order the numbers
   * like 0, 1, ..., 9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775808, -9223372036854775807,..., -1.
   * @param x long value
  public void addLong(long x) {
  // 高低位32位拆分 (int) (id >> 32)
    int high = high(x);
    int low = low(x);

    // Copy the reference to prevent race-condition
    Map.Entry<Integer, BitmapDataProvider> local = latestAddedHigh;

    BitmapDataProvider bitmap;
    if (local != null && local.getKey().intValue() == high) {
      bitmap = local.getValue();
    } else {
      bitmap = highToBitmap.get(high);
      if (bitmap == null) {
      // 使用 RoaringBitmap 来保存低层数据, 一级存储
    // 使用 treemap 保存整个结构,保证查找快速
        bitmap = newRoaringBitmap();
        pushBitmapForHigh(high, bitmap);
    // 使用临时保存当前高位实例的方式,避免经常查找map带来的性能消耗
    // 但实际上这要求客户端的操作是按序操作的,这样才能很好利用这个特性,如果只是随机值的话,效果就大打折扣了
      latestAddedHigh = new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(high, bitmap);
  // 存储低位信息
  // 扩容处理

  private void invalidateAboveHigh(int high) {
    // The cardinalities after this bucket may not be valid anymore
    if (compare(firstHighNotValid, high) > 0) {
      // High was valid up to now
      firstHighNotValid = high;

      int indexNotValid = binarySearch(sortedHighs, firstHighNotValid);

      final int indexAfterWhichToReset;
      if (indexNotValid >= 0) {
        indexAfterWhichToReset = indexNotValid;
      } else {
        // We have invalidate a high not already present: added a value for a brand new high
        indexAfterWhichToReset = -indexNotValid - 1;

      // This way, sortedHighs remains sorted, without making a new/shorter array
      Arrays.fill(sortedHighs, indexAfterWhichToReset, sortedHighs.length, highestHigh());
    allValid = false;

// 低位存储实现
// roaringbitmap
   * Add the value to the container (set the value to "true"), whether it already appears or not.
   * Java lacks native unsigned integers but the x argument is considered to be unsigned.
   * Within bitmaps, numbers are ordered according to {@link Integer#compareUnsigned}.
   * We order the numbers like 0, 1, ..., 2147483647, -2147483648, -2147483647,..., -1.
   * @param x integer value
  public void add(final int x) {
  // 再分高低位存储, 即32位拆分为2个16位, (char) (x >>> 16)
    final char hb = Util.highbits(x);
  // 已经存储过了,则直接更新值即可
  // highLowContainer = new RoaringArray();
    final int i = highLowContainer.getIndex(hb);
    if (i >= 0) {
    // 此处查找成功,只是代表高位已经被某些值存储过了,但低位仍然在变化
    } else {
    // 否则新插入一个你们数, 默认以数组形式存储, 默认初始化大小为4
      final ArrayContainer newac = new ArrayContainer();
      highLowContainer.insertNewKeyValueAt(-i - 1, hb, newac.add(Util.lowbits(x)));
  // involves a binary search
  int getIndex(char x) {
    // before the binary search, we optimize for frequent cases
    if ((size == 0) || (keys[size - 1] == x)) {
      return size - 1;
  // 使用二分查找法查找值的存在性,实际上内部还有其他优化
    // no luck we have to go through the list
    return this.binarySearch(0, size, x);
  // insert a new key, it is assumed that it does not exist
  void insertNewKeyValueAt(int i, char key, Container value) {
    System.arraycopy(keys, i, keys, i + 1, size - i);
    keys[i] = key;
    System.arraycopy(values, i, values, i + 1, size - i);
    values[i] = value;
  // RoaringArray
  protected Container getContainerAtIndex(int i) {
    return this.values[i];
// 数组的低位存储实现
// ArrayContainer
   * running time is in O(n) time if insert is not in order.
  public Container add(final char x) {
  // 要插入的值大于当前容量/未大于当前容量分别处理
    if (cardinality == 0 || (cardinality > 0
            && (x) > (content[cardinality - 1]))) {
    // 大于 4096 后,扩展为 bitmap存储结构
      if (cardinality >= DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) {
        return toBitmapContainer().add(x);
    // 扩容,策略分多种情况处理
      if (cardinality >= this.content.length) {
    // 直接数组存储具体值即可
    // 也就是说,表面看起来这里可能会被插入重复的值,但是实际这里插入的是比最大值还大的值
    // 更小的值则会先查找存在性,再进行找位插入
      content[cardinality++] = x;
    } else {
      int loc = Util.unsignedBinarySearch(content, 0, cardinality, x);
    // 小的值被插入到中间,如果找到相同的值,则本次add将被忽略
    // 也就是说,这种实现的是数据的有序插入
      if (loc < 0) {
        // Transform the ArrayContainer to a BitmapContainer
        // when cardinality = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
        if (cardinality >= DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) {
          return toBitmapContainer().add(x);
        if (cardinality >= this.content.length) {
        // insertion : shift the elements > x by one position to
        // the right
        // and put x in it's appropriate place
        System.arraycopy(content, -loc - 1, content, -loc, cardinality + loc + 1);
        content[-loc - 1] = x;
    return this;
  // temporarily allow an illegally large size, as long as the operation creating
  // the illegal container does not return it.
  private void increaseCapacity(boolean allowIllegalSize) {
    int newCapacity = (this.content.length == 0) ? DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE
        : this.content.length < 64 ? this.content.length * 2
            : this.content.length < 1067 ? this.content.length * 3 / 2
                : this.content.length * 5 / 4;
    // never allocate more than we will ever need
    if (newCapacity > ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE && !allowIllegalSize) {
      newCapacity = ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;
    // if we are within 1/16th of the max, go to max
    if (newCapacity > ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE / 16
        && !allowIllegalSize) {
      newCapacity = ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;
    this.content = Arrays.copyOf(this.content, newCapacity);

// bitmap的低位存储实现
// BitmapContainer
  // 转移老数据到bitmap的低位存储中
   * Copies the data in a bitmap container.
   * @return the bitmap container
  public BitmapContainer toBitmapContainer() {
    BitmapContainer bc = new BitmapContainer();
    return bc;

  void loadData(final ArrayContainer arrayContainer) {
    this.cardinality = arrayContainer.cardinality;
    for (int k = 0; k < arrayContainer.cardinality; ++k) {
      final char x = arrayContainer.content[k];
    // 取整64, 这个移位是真没看懂, 反正超过31之后的
      bitmap[(x) / 64] |= (1L << x);
  public Container add(final char i) {
    final long previous = bitmap[i >>> 6];
    long newval = previous | (1L << i);
    bitmap[i >>> 6] = newval;
      cardinality += (int)((previous ^ newval) >>> i);
    } else if (previous != newval) {
    return this;



5. 还有没有其他更好的实现?

    上面两种方案,其实都不错,但好像都还有些问题存在。我们主要针对大数据量的问题,两个方案都没办法解决,那么是否就真的无解了呢?其实,办法还是有的,比如我们做一些自定义的数据分段,比如 1-100的存在bitmap1, 101-200存在bitmap2,这样就可以解决大容量的问题了。



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