ASUS ROG Phone 2 E:Failed...

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/asus-rog-phone-2-e-failed.4459099/#post-87042391
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ASUS ROG Phone 2 E:Failed...


New member
Hello, I was watching YT a few weeks ago and the phone (ASUS ROG Phone 2 tencent edition version 8/128) decided to reboot by itself. It done it before but this time it wouldn't get past the starting logo and restart again! It would keep looping until the battery ran empty... SO I booted in recovery mode, tried to factory reset and get E:Failed to save locale.

A friend has been trying to help me fix the phone and this was the result (screenshot). He can't figure it out.

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-19 at 5.54.20 AM.jpeg

I've tried searching the forum with no luck. Anyone know if this problem is fixable and could guide us in the right direction?

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