Build a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Android

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/videos/build-a-rock-paper-scissors-game-in-android/
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Build a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Android

Build a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Android
Hey everybody, Welcome to Geeks for geeks, I am
  • 16/06/2022

In this video, we will see how to build a rock, paper, and scissor game in Android from scratch. Many of us play the Rock, Paper, and Scissor game. Right? This is a multiplayer game in which each player forms one of the three-hand symbols - rock, paper, or scissors.

The winner is decided based on the below criteria : Rock vs Paper -> Paper wins Rock vs Scissor -> Rock wins Paper vs Scissor -> Scissor wins

In this game, the user has to make a choice and the choice of computer is generated randomly. Accordingly, the winner of the game will be displayed.

In this video, we will be building a simple rock, paper, and scissor game in which the user has to simply tap on the image view to make his/her choices such as rock, paper, or scissor, and the computer choices are generated automatically. According to the above conditions, the winner will be declared for each situation. We will be using an Android studio as an IDE for building this project and we will be using java as a programming language.

This project will surely help the beginner to the intermediate-level Android developer to brush up and enhance their Android development skills.

Rock, paper, scissors game in Android: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-build-a-rock-paper-scissor-game-in-android-studio/

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