Ford halts sales of Mustang Mach-Es due to propulsion-loss bug

 2 years ago
source link: https://arstechnica.com/cars/2022/06/ford-halts-sales-of-mustang-mach-es-due-to-propulsion-loss-bug/
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Ford halts sales of Mustang Mach-Es due to propulsion-loss bug

The issue affects nearly half of all Mach-Es built to date.

Jonathan M. Gitlin - 6/14/2022, 8:01 PM

A red Ford Mustang Mach-E GT next to some navy ships
Enlarge / The Ford Mustang Mach-E has had a few teething troubles since its launch in 2021.
Jonathan Gitlin

Ford has to recall nearly 49,000 Mustang Mach-Es, and it told dealers to temporarily halt deliveries of the electric vehicle while it works to solve a bug in the propulsion system. Vehicles may still be sold but will be on a delivery hold until the problem is fixed.

The news, first reported by CNBC, affects some Mach-Es built between May 27, 2020, and May 24, 2022, though Ford says not all of the roughly 100,000 electric crossovers will need to be recalled.

The problem is caused by overheating in the high voltage battery connectors—if this occurs, the Mach-E may not start. Should the problem arise while the EV is being driven, that could lead to a complete loss of propulsion.

Ford says it should have a fix between July and September and will notify owners by mail if they need to schedule a repair, which will involve an update to the EV's "secondary onboard diagnostic control module and battery energy control module." The good news is that the fix should be possible via an over-the-air update, though it can also be performed at a dealership.

This story has been updated to indicate that Mach-E deliveries are on hold but sales can continue.

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