Combining Data in pandas With concat() and merge()

 2 years ago
source link: https://realpython.com/courses/data-pandas-concat-and-merge/
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Combining Data in pandas With concat() and merge()

The Series and DataFrame objects in pandas are powerful tools for exploring and analyzing data. Part of their power comes from a multifaceted approach to combining separate datasets. With pandas, you can merge and concatenate your datasets, allowing you to unify and better understand your data as you analyze it.

In this video course, you’ll learn how and when to combine your data in pandas with:

  • merge() for combining data on common columns or indices
  • concat() for combining DataFrames across rows or columns

If you have some experience using DataFrame and Series objects in pandas and you’re ready to learn how to combine them, then this video course will help you do exactly that. If you’re feeling a bit rusty, then you can watch a quick refresher on DataFrames before proceeding.

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