Softr Mobile - Create Airtable powered mobile apps, without code | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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Ranked #1 for today

Softr Mobile

Create Airtable powered mobile apps, without code

Create mobile apps powered by your Airtable data, without code. At the click of a button turn your Softr-built web app into a fully functional mobile app. Immediately made available on both Apple and Android devices without the extra effort.
Work side-by-side, even when you’re not in the same room

Hey ProductHunt builders 👋

When we launched Softr 2.0 - web-app builder last year, the positive response and feedback was overwhelming. Since then we onboarded tens of thousands of customers and added hundreds of new features. With the support and love of this exciting ProductHunt community, Softr then even went on to become the 2021 Product of the Year!

Today, we are super excited to launch Softr mobile apps! Your Airtable-powered web apps can now be turned into fully-functional mobile apps. At the click of a button, apps can now be made immediately available on both Apple and Android devices (no extra resources needed). Thank you @thisiskp_ for your continuous trust and support! 🙌

And the best part? Completely free for you all to try over the next 30 days! 🎁

Whether you’re building tools for your teams or clients, now everyone can easily sync up, in real-time, right from their fingertips - on both the web or mobile!

The fun doesn’t stop there, with Softr mobile you can also offer your users;

📱 Simple install - An accessible install page or download CTA directly from your website

🖥 Desktop app - Allow your users to download your application directly to their desktop

⏰ Push notifications (coming soon) - In real-time, let your users know what's new. And keep them engaged.

Every page built with Softr already looks great on tablets and mobile too so there's no extra design necessary!

We already have dozens of prebuilt templates. Choose what you need, customize it to your needs, and toggle on PWA. Et voila, you now have a mobile app!

We hope you enjoy Softr mobile as much as we enjoyed creating it, and will build amazing mobile apps for your work and life 😉

Follow us for more updates

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Templates: https://www.softr.io/templates

What’s New? https://www.softr.io/whats-new

Roadmap: https://www.softr.io/roadmap

We would love to hear your feedback on our Slack channel and here - share what you are building with the PH community! 🌎

Stay tuned for more exciting updates (like more data sources, action buttons, etc)!


Mariam and the Softr Team

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