All the things Apple Sherlocked at WWDC 2022

 2 years ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/things-apple-sherlocked-wwdc-2022-102603159.html
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All the things Apple Sherlocked at WWDC 2022

Ivan Mehta
Mon, June 13, 2022, 7:26 PM·6 min read

Apple introduced some amazing updates across iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and macOS at the worldwide developer conference (WWDC) last week.

The company announced a few new features never seen before on iOS like Stage Manager for better multitasking and Safety Check to get away from abusers. But there are others that Apple simply Sherlocked — the term for when Apple incorporates features that have been hallmarks of third-party apps, making those apps no longer necessary to use for those features. Many people on Twitter were surprised at how many apps got Sherlocked this year.

It's hard to say if Apple engineers sat in a meeting room and got "inspired" by an app, or if a feature was already part of product roadmaps. Either way, it's likely that a lot more people will use a system-baked feature than trying to find an app for a particular problem — unless the latter offers some unique extra features.

For the uninitiated, here's the backstory of how "Sherlocked" became a popular word among Apple enthusiasts. The company released a finder app named Sherlock for macOS 8 in the late 90s. The tool had capabilities of searching the web and files on your local system.

Meanwhile, a company called Karelia Software had a finder app named Watson — priced at $29 — with some superior features like plug-ins for better internet search. In 2002, Apple released Sherlock 3 with similar features to Watson, making Karelia redundant and forcing it to close down eventually.

So the word Sherlocked came into the picture whenever Apple released a feature that could potentially shut down an app or make it useless.

Now that's out of the way, here's a list of features and apps Apple Sherlocked.

Feature: Continuity camera

Sherlocked app: Camo

Apple's new continuity feature will let you use your iPhone as a webcam, which was Camo's main pitch. The iPhone-maker is partnering with Belkin to release a special mount later this year, which will hold your iPhone atop your Macbook screen. Plus, it will release an API for Camera Continuity so other apps could easily take advantage of this feature.

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