Diablo Immortal is set to launch with an array of accessible controls this week

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/diablo-immortal-accessible-controls/
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Diablo Immortal is set to launch with an array of accessible controls this week

Published 15 hours ago

Further options are planned for a future date once feedback is received

diablo immortal release date announcement hero

Blizzard Entertainment's latest offering, Diablo Immortal, is scheduled for a June 2 release across Android and iOS devices, with its open beta version available on Windows PCs from the same day. The game has received negative publicity since its announcement during Blizzcon 2018. However, Blizzard seems to be pulling out all stops to ensure the game's success, and it has incorporated a set of features to make it accessible to everyone.

Blizzard has confirmed that Diablo Immortal can be played with controllers on both mobile devices as well as PCs. The controls, including skill buttons, can be adjusted to the player's needs thanks to the controller tab in the settings menu. Additionally, players with controllers can activate a free cursor by pressing the right arrow on the D-pad. This option allows them to navigate the non-gameplay interfaces of Diablo Immortal more easily.

The latest Diablo offering also allows changes to the chat text size, with the maximum being set to twice the default size. Currently, there are three sizes available — default, large, and extra-large — with an option to manually modify the text size arriving in the near future. Moreover, a new voice chat transcription enables players to convert their group's voice chat into written text. This feature will ensure better focus while engaging in battles and can also be great for users who have hearing disabilities.

Conversely, there is also a text-to-speech feature that will read aloud incoming chat messages, with options available to control the chat channels, including text-to-speech chat commands. Players also have customization options available to them, including but not limited to audio alerts to separate messages from each other, and to regulate narration speed and volume control. Last but not the least, we can adjust the visibility of the game via the world brightness option from the display tab in the settings menu. Accessibility options for color blindness are also expected to be announced soon.

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Traditional gaming audiences tend to express skepticism towards mobile games, due to their lack of in-depth features and quality. Even long-awaited releases such as the recently launched Apex Legends have opened to mixed reviews, thanks to a convoluted weapon system and severe gameplay lags on low-end Android devices. However, Blizzard has taken user feedback seriously to make more changes, and we hope that it manages to blow our socks off with this game.

About The Author

Sahas Mehra (11 Articles Published)

Sahas is a freelance writer who specializes in writing on tech news & wellness. He has contributed to esteemed digital publications such as Tom's Guide & Digital Trends in the past. Sahas is also creating user guides with tools for resources for working professionals in different stages of their career. You can reach out to him on [email protected]

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