Save 83% off a Lifetime of DevDojo Pro: Premium Content, Tools, & Courses fo...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/save-83-off-a-lifetime-of-devdojo-pro-premium-content-tools--courses-for-devs/
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Save 83% off a Lifetime of DevDojo Pro: Premium Content, Tools, & Courses for Devs

Today's highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals web store, where you can save 83% off a Lifetime of DevDojo Pro. Perfect for striving developers! Complete with simple page builder, markdown editor, courses, and more.

DevDojo Pro

Your next great idea starts here!

This DevDojo Pro lifetime subscription gives you access to a set of tools to help you build your next great idea.

Start with the Page Creator, where you'll find TailwindCSS Page Builder, a tool for crafting beautiful landing pages. Then, move on to Wave SAAS Starter Kit, where you'll learn how to build your Software as a Service app and make money from it. With Ninja Training Program, you will learn the basics before you get started building your business. Gain access to premium courses and episodes!

It's all just one click away!

Wave SAA Starter Kit

  • Tons of features to help you craft the SAAS of your dreams
  • Fully loaded authentication, email verification, & password reset
  • Customizable user profiles. Allow your users to enter data & easily customize their user profiles
  • With user impersonations you can login as another user & resolve an issue or troubleshoot a bug
  • Allow users to pay for your service & signup for a subscription using the Paddle Payment platform
  • Create new plans with different features & intrigue your users to subscribe to any plan
  • Grant user permissions based on roles, you can then assign a role to a specific plan
  • Ready-to-use Notification System which integrates with the default Laravel notification feature
  • Grant user permissions based on roles, you can then assign a role to a specific plan
  • Equipped with a fully-functional blog. Write posts related to your product to gain free SEO traffic
  • Ready-to-consume API for your application. Create API tokens with role specific permissions
  • Wave has been crafted using Laravel & Voyager, which makes administering your app a breeze!
  • Fully configurable themes. Choose from a few starter themes to begin configuring to make it your own

Here's the deal:

A Lifetime of DevDojo Pro normally costs $900, but you can get it temporarily for just $149; that's a saving of $751 at 83% off. For a full description, specs, and instructor info, click the link below.

Lifetime of DevDojo Pro for $149

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