Sea of Thieves 'Lost Sands' Adventure has players deciding the fate of Golden Sa...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/sea-of-thieves-lost-sands-adventure-has-players-deciding-the-fate-of-golden-sands/
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Sea of Thieves 'Lost Sands' Adventure has players deciding the fate of Golden Sands

Sea of Thieves Lost Sands artwork

Sea of Thieves' Golden Sands Outpost has not really been an outpost since the beginning of Rare's new narrative content kick off, but that may be changing. The latest chapter, dubbed Lost Sands, of the time-limited storyline landed today with the update to the pirate adventure game.

Merrick and other pirate inhabitants of the Sea of Thieves want the Golden Sands situation to be resolved and are asking help from players to gain vital supplies for the outpost's restoration. However, the Servant of the Flame is looking to keep Golden Sands desolate. It's up to the community to decide which faction they want to help, ultimately deciding the outpost's fate depending on what group comes out on top.

Players can begin the new Adventure by talking to Larinna, who gives them the opportunity to take the Hunter’s Path or the Servant’s Path. Even delivering regular supplies to a relevant faction outside of the Adventure will move forward their goals, while also offering exclusive cosmetic rewards.

Today's update also delivered a new variant of the ever-reliable Rowboat players can find in the seas:
Soulflame Rowboats. Made for mayhem, these come strapped with a fuse-attached reinforced explosive keg. They can take more shots from firearms than usual to blow up too, offering crafty pirates a chance to deliver some surprise explosives.

The Lost Sands Sea of Thieves Adventure is now live for players across PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and all Xbox Game Pass variants. This is a limited-time event, so pirates may want to jump in and participate in the tug of war before it goes away on June 9. Read the story so far in the Adventures lineup over here and the complete patch notes of update here.

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