
 2 years ago
source link: https://www.huhexian.com/44142.html
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<script src='${_ctxPath }/statics/js/superMap/SuperMap.Include.js'></script>


<div id="container" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></div>


  1. var style = {
  2. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  3. fillColor : "#FF4500",
  4. strokeWidth : 2,
  5. fillOpacity : 0.2,
  6. label : "西方\nWestern",
  7. labelXOffset : 30,
  8. labelYOffset : 20,
  9. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"
  10. var style1 = {
  11. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  12. fillColor : "#8A2BE2",
  13. strokeWidth : 2,
  14. fillOpacity : 0.2,
  15. label : "西方\nWestern",
  16. labelXOffset : 30,
  17. labelYOffset : 20,
  18. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"
  19. var style2 = {
  20. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  21. fillColor : "#FFD700",
  22. strokeWidth : 2,
  23. fillOpacity : 0.3,
  24. label : "西方\nWestern",
  25. labelXOffset : 30,
  26. labelYOffset : 20,
  27. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"


var map, layer, marker, marker1, marker2, markers, vectorLayer;
url = "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-china400/rest/maps/China";

  1. $(function() {
  2. //初始化地图
  3. map = new SuperMap.Map("container", {
  4. controls : [ new SuperMap.Control.Navigation(),
  5. new SuperMap.Control.PanZoomBar() ]
  6. map.addControl(new SuperMap.Control.MousePosition());
  7. //初始化图层
  8. layer = new SuperMap.Layer.TiledDynamicRESTLayer("China", url, null, {
  9. maxResolution : "auto"
  10. //监听图层信息加载完成事件
  11. layer.events.on({
  12. "layerInitialized" : addLayer
  13. //初始化标记图层类
  14. markers = new SuperMap.Layer.Markers("Markers");
  15. layer.events.on({
  16. "layerInitialized" : addMarker
  17. getBoundary();


  1. function getBoundary() {
  2. var queryParam = new SuperMap.REST.FilterParameter({
  3. name : "China_Province_R@China400",
  4. attributeFilter : "name like '%市%'",
  5. fields : [ "NAME", "SmID" ]
  6. var queryBySQLParams = new SuperMap.REST.QueryBySQLParameters({
  7. queryParams : [ queryParam ]
  8. var myQueryBySQLService = new SuperMap.REST.QueryBySQLService(url, {
  9. eventListeners : {
  10. "processCompleted" : queryCompleted,
  11. "processFailed" : queryError
  12. myQueryBySQLService.processAsync(queryBySQLParams);


  1. function queryCompleted(QueryEventArgs) {
  2. //声明一个矢量图层 vectorLayer,在 vectorLayer 上进行要素选择
  3. vectorLayer = new SuperMap.Layer.Vector("Vector Layer", {
  4. renderers : [ "Canvas2" ]
  5. //将获取到的所有feature循环遍历,标注在地图上
  6. var features = QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features;
  7. var pointFeature;
  8. for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
  9. if (i % 3 == 0) {
  10. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  11. features[i].geometry, null, style);
  12. } else if (i % 3 == 1) {
  13. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  14. features[i].geometry, null, style1);
  15. } else {
  16. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  17. features[i].geometry, null, style2);
  18. vectorLayer.addFeatures(pointFeature);
  19. //provinces.set('Adam', 67);
  20. console.log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  21. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].id);
  22. console.log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  23. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].fid);
  24. console
  25. .log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  26. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].data.NAME);
  27. map.addLayer(vectorLayer);
  28. var selectFeature = new SuperMap.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer, {
  29. onSelect : onFeatureSelect,
  30. onUnselect : onUnFeatureSelect,
  31. repeat : true
  32. //map上添加控件
  33. map.addControl(selectFeature);
  34. //激活控件
  35. selectFeature.activate();


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  17. <script src='${_ctxPath }/statics/js/superMap/SuperMap.Include.js'></script>
  18. <script type="text/javascript"
  19. src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=1.5&ak=95a21d20cfe4df8d03f267282e62d8ae"></script>
  20. <script type="text/javascript"
  21. src="${_ctxPath%20}/statics/js/superMap/iConnectorBaidu.js"></script>
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  23. src="${_js%20}/baidumap/MarkerClusterer_min.js"></script>
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  38. <div id="mainInfo" style="margin-top: 10px;"></div>
  39. <div class="fixedBox" id="fixedBox" style="margin-top: 20px">
  40. <UL class="fixedBoxList">
  41. <LI style="display: block;" id="cartboxs" class="fixeBoxLi cart_bd">
  42. <SPAN class="fixeBoxSpan"></SPAN><STRONG>高级查询</STRONG>
  43. <div class="cartBox" id="createBox"
  44. style="display: none; min-height: 150px; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: 270px; width: 605px; overflow: hidden; padding: 15px;">
  45. <div class="bjfff"></div>
  46. <div class="ylistr">
  47. <form id="serrchCondition">
  48. <div class=" pull-left eleTtitle"
  49. style="line-height: 25px; width: 570px !important;">养老机构高级查询</div>
  50. <div class="pull-left">
  51. <label class="pull-left"
  52. style="color: #666; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 5px;">关键字:</label>
  53. <input type="text" name="name" class="pull-left form-controller"
  54. style="line-height: 25px; width: 400px; height: 30px;">
  55. <div class="pull-left">
  56. <button style="margin-left: 15px;"
  57. onclick="search();removeHover();return false;"
  58. class="YImmediatelyininstallment">查询</button>
  59. </div>
  60. </div>
  61. </form>
  62. </div>
  63. </div>
  64. </li>
  65. </ul>
  66. </LI>
  67. </UL>
  68. </div>
  69. </body>
  70. <script type="text/javascript">
  71. var style = {
  72. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  73. fillColor : "#FF4500",
  74. strokeWidth : 2,
  75. fillOpacity : 0.2,
  76. label : "西方\nWestern",
  77. labelXOffset : 30,
  78. labelYOffset : 20,
  79. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"
  80. var style1 = {
  81. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  82. fillColor : "#8A2BE2",
  83. strokeWidth : 2,
  84. fillOpacity : 0.2,
  85. label : "西方\nWestern",
  86. labelXOffset : 30,
  87. labelYOffset : 20,
  88. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"
  89. var style2 = {
  90. strokeColor : "#CAFF70",
  91. fillColor : "#FFD700",
  92. strokeWidth : 2,
  93. fillOpacity : 0.3,
  94. label : "西方\nWestern",
  95. labelXOffset : 30,
  96. labelYOffset : 20,
  97. fontColor : "#FFFF6F"
  98. //var provinces = new Map();
  99. //初始化百度地图
  100. var map, layer, marker, marker1, marker2, markers, vectorLayer;
  101. //host = document.location.toString().match(/file:\/\//)?"http://localhost:8090":'http://' + document.location.host,
  102. url = "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-china400/rest/maps/China";
  103. //url = "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/map-ChinaProvinces/rest/maps/ChinaProvinces";
  104. $(function() {
  105. //初始化地图
  106. map = new SuperMap.Map("container", {
  107. controls : [ new SuperMap.Control.Navigation(),
  108. new SuperMap.Control.PanZoomBar() ]
  109. map.addControl(new SuperMap.Control.MousePosition());
  110. //初始化图层
  111. layer = new SuperMap.Layer.TiledDynamicRESTLayer("China", url, null, {
  112. maxResolution : "auto"
  113. //监听图层信息加载完成事件
  114. layer.events.on({
  115. "layerInitialized" : addLayer
  116. //初始化标记图层类
  117. markers = new SuperMap.Layer.Markers("Markers");
  118. layer.events.on({
  119. "layerInitialized" : addMarker
  120. getBoundary();
  121. //要素被选中时调用此函数,需要传入当前选中要素参数feature
  122. function onFeatureSelect(feature) {
  123. //TODO
  124. var id = feature.id;
  125. alert("被选中的是:" + feature.id);
  126. //要素被选中时调用此函数,需要传入当前选中要素参数feature
  127. function onUnFeatureSelect(feature) {
  128. //TODO
  129. var infowin = null;
  130. //定义mouseClickHandler函数,触发click事件会调用此函数
  131. function mouseClickHandler(event) {
  132. closeInfoWin();
  133. //初始化popup类
  134. popup = new SuperMap.Popup("chicken", marker.getLonLat(),
  135. new SuperMap.Size(220, 140), '打开详情窗口!!!<br>我被点击了!!!', true, null);
  136. infowin = popup;
  137. //添加弹窗到map图层
  138. map.addPopup(popup);
  139. function closeInfoWin() {
  140. if (infowin) {
  141. infowin.hide();
  142. infowin.destroy();
  143. } catch (e) {
  144. //定义addLayer函数,触发 layerInitialized事件会调用此函数
  145. function addLayer() {
  146. //map上添加分块动态REST图层和标记图层
  147. map.addLayers([ layer, markers ]);
  148. map.setCenter(new SuperMap.LonLat(11878237, 3067685), 6);
  149. //map.setCenter(new SuperMap.LonLat(114.98015042696258,36.06015621945102), 4);
  150. //定义addMarker函数,触发layerInitialized事件会调用此函数
  151. function addMarker() {
  152. size = new SuperMap.Size(21, 25);
  153. offset = new SuperMap.Pixel(-(size.w / 2), -size.h);
  154. icon = new SuperMap.Icon('/statics/js/theme/images/marker-gold.png',
  155. size, offset);
  156. for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
  157. //初始化标记覆盖物类
  158. marker = new SuperMap.Marker(
  159. new SuperMap.LonLat(11878237 + i * 8000 * Math.random(),
  160. 3067685 + i * 8000 * Math.random()), icon);
  161. //marker = new SuperMap.Marker(new SuperMap.LonLat(118+i*2*Math.random(), 30.67685+i*2*Math.random()),icon);
  162. //添加覆盖物到标记图层
  163. markers.addMarker(marker);
  164. //注册 click 事件,触发 mouseClickHandler()方法
  165. marker.events.on({
  166. "click" : mouseClickHandler,
  167. "touchstart" : mouseClickHandler
  168. //假如要在移动端的浏览器也实现点击弹框,则在注册touch类事件
  169. function getBoundary() {
  170. var queryParam = new SuperMap.REST.FilterParameter({
  171. name : "China_Province_R@China400",
  172. attributeFilter : "name like '%市%'",
  173. fields : [ "NAME", "SmID" ]
  174. var queryBySQLParams = new SuperMap.REST.QueryBySQLParameters({
  175. queryParams : [ queryParam ]
  176. var myQueryBySQLService = new SuperMap.REST.QueryBySQLService(url, {
  177. eventListeners : {
  178. "processCompleted" : queryCompleted,
  179. "processFailed" : queryError
  180. myQueryBySQLService.processAsync(queryBySQLParams);
  181. function queryCompleted(QueryEventArgs) {
  182. //声明一个矢量图层 vectorLayer,在 vectorLayer 上进行要素选择
  183. vectorLayer = new SuperMap.Layer.Vector("Vector Layer", {
  184. renderers : [ "Canvas2" ]
  185. //将获取到的所有feature循环遍历,标注在地图上
  186. var features = QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features;
  187. var pointFeature;
  188. for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
  189. if (i % 3 == 0) {
  190. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  191. features[i].geometry, null, style);
  192. } else if (i % 3 == 1) {
  193. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  194. features[i].geometry, null, style1);
  195. } else {
  196. pointFeature = new SuperMap.Feature.Vector(
  197. features[i].geometry, null, style2);
  198. vectorLayer.addFeatures(pointFeature);
  199. //provinces.set('Adam', 67);
  200. console.log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  201. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].id);
  202. console.log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  203. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].fid);
  204. console
  205. .log('省会城市的坐标信息:'
  206. + QueryEventArgs.result.recordsets[0].features[i].data.NAME);
  207. map.addLayer(vectorLayer);
  208. var selectFeature = new SuperMap.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer, {
  209. onSelect : onFeatureSelect,
  210. onUnselect : onUnFeatureSelect,
  211. repeat : true
  212. //map上添加控件
  213. map.addControl(selectFeature);
  214. //激活控件
  215. selectFeature.activate();
  216. function queryError(QueryEventArgs) {
  217. //todo
  218. alert('查询区域失败:' + SuperMap.REST.QueryResult);
  219. $(".header-nav").css({
  220. display : 'none'
  221. </script>
  222. <jsp:include
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  224. <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/front_pages/jsp/default/includes/bottom.jsp"%>

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