Cybersecurity Resilience Guide - Free eBook Download

 2 years ago
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Cybersecurity Resilience Guide

Get the Guide to protect your organization's IT systems, technology resources and data. Claim your complimentary eBook for free today, before the offer expires!

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Business owners and managers—with input and guidance from their IT resources—need to define, agree on, and endorse a strategy for cybersecurity from the top down, and this strategy needs to be rooted in a cybersecurity framework such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework or the CIS Critical Controls.

This guide is organized to align with CIS, but both NIST and CIS provide a wealth of practical and actionable guidance for organizations to formulate effective cybersecurity strategy in a threat-focused, vendor-neutral way.

What You'll Learn:

  • Some of the most critical areas of focus in a Security Posture Review, including:
    • Knowing Your Systems and Software
    • Vulnerability Management
    • System Configuration and Log Monitoring,
  • And much more!

Download the free eBook today!

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