Leadership Lessons from a Republican Governor in a Blue State

 2 years ago
source link: https://hbr.org/podcast/2022/05/leadership-lessons-from-a-republican-governor-in-a-blue-state
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Leadership Lessons from a Republican Governor in a Blue State

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HBR IdeaCast
Listen | 29:02
May 24, 2022

Underperforming state agencies, a natural disaster, and a pandemic are among the many challenges that faced Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and his former Chief of Staff Steve Kadish. Looking back during the final year of the Baker Administration, they say running a government is very different and often much harder than leading a private-sector company. And they share their four-part framework for breaking down complicated problems with many stakeholders to get results. It’s valuable for anyone in public service, as well as for leaders and managers in large organizations hamstrung by bureaucracy and politics. Baker and Kadish wrote the new book Results: Getting Beyond Politics to Get Important Work Done.

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