Tips & Tricks to Solve Accenture Psuedocodes

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/videos/tips-tricks-to-solve-accenture-psuedocodes/
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Tips & Tricks to Solve Accenture Psuedocodes

Tips & Tricks to Solve Accenture Psuedocodes
Hi, all Welcome to our platform Geeks for
  • 23/05/2022

In this video we will see - Tips & Tricks to Solve Accenture Psuedocodes and previous year's Accenture Coding questions with solutions in detail.

Recently Accenture has upgraded the selection procedure. They included a new section “Coding Section”.

Apart from that there is two more sections: Technical Assessment, and Cognitive Assessment.

A coding section is a compulsory section in the hiring process. Basically, the coding section will have a total number of two or three questions, and the time limit is 45 minutes for completion.

You can create a code in any of the programming languages:

1) C 2) C++ 3) Python 4) Java

Candidates can select a language in which they are comfortable solving and writing codes for the assigned problems. The purpose of these coding questions is to check the knowledge of a particular programming language.

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