The 11 Best Employee Coaching and Mentoring Tools

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/best-employee-coaching-mentoring-tools/
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The 11 Best Employee Coaching and Mentoring Tools

Published 14 hours ago

Are you looking for ways to improve the performance of your employees? Here are some of the best resources for employee mentoring and coaching.

Concept Image Showing A Man Pointing at Coaching

Professionals who receive business coaching report greater self-confidence and improved levels of performance. Organizations that offer professional coaching also report improved employee engagement and productivity. At the same time, mentors help individuals easily achieve short-term and long-term goals while maintaining a better work-life balance.

If you’re in the market for a professional mentor to boost your career and take it to the next level, here are a few resources you can look at to find one.

1. Bravely

Bravely Homepage Screenshot

Bravely offers a wide variety of services like Growth and Development based sessions, Culture Transformation, data and insights to increase Engagement and Retention, and guidance and counseling for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) drives.

It also works with HR to identify employee issues related to burnout, attrition, and other problems. Insights shared by Bravely are based on data and experience, so your company can take preemptive action to combat potential issues. All your sessions and discussions with Bravely are confidential.

Companies usually bear session costs.

2. CoachHub

CoachHub Homepage Screenshot

CoachHub is a digital professional coaching platform with members scattered across the globe. From freshers to experienced personnel, it offers coaching at all career levels, with specialized programs for executives in senior positions and leadership development.

Besides certified personal development experts, it also employs engineers, digital entrepreneurs, and people who’ve worked in various corporate setups to help advance your careers. Premium members can access their global HR survey results, podcasts, the library of resources, and more.

3. Ezra

Ezra Homepage Screenshot

Hello Ezra offers Leadership and Executive coaching sessions for experienced professionals and programs for organizational change such as Diversity and Inclusion and Change and Transformation. It also provides tracking software to measure individual as well as organizational progress in real-time.

Ezra operates in 118 countries and offers services in 40 languages. You can access most of its coaching-related Case Studies, Research, and Insights without a premium membership.

4. CoachReady

CoachReady Homepage Screenshot

CoachReady is a pioneer in digital coaching and brings more than a decade’s experience to online mentorship. It offers coaching programs right from onboarding an employee to seeing them succeed in their career.

Employees can have 1:1 sessions and individual attention as they begin their work life. Firms can have tailor-made programs aligned with their organizational aims and corporate culture.

5. Optify

Optify Homepage Screenshot

Optify offers to coach companies and individuals seeking professional coaching by themselves. Leadership coaching is its forte, and it provides scalable leadership coaching programs for various experience levels.

In addition to coaching, it acts as a middleman between independent coaches, coaching companies and organizations, and individuals seeking professional coaching. Optify also helps individuals who would like to become certified coaches.

You can access their resources and insights sections without creating an account. You can also talk to an Optify team member.

6. Lattice

Lattice Homepage Screenshot

In addition to regular mentoring programs for employees, Lattice also offers 1:1 reviews, growth plans, charting career paths with individuals, surveys to gather insights, data analytics to create custom plans for companies, and goals and OKRs (Objectives Key Results) management. It also connects compensation plans to performance goals to increase employee engagement.

Create a free account on Lattice and sign in to access their free eBooks, podcasts, webinars, interviews, and more resources catering to all levels of working professionals.

7. Careerwave

Careerwave Homepage Screenshot

Careerwave specifically caters to leadership teams, managers, and other high-level executives. Its coaches come with years of experience in leadership and management and have ICF (International Coaching Federation) certifications. Companies looking to identify and groom future leaders can rely on Careerwave’s full-stack leadership development programs to begin early coaching.

All leadership candidates working with Careerwave get personalized coaching programs that redirect their focus on goal accomplishment.

8. GrowthSpace

GrowthSpace Homepage Screenshot

GrowthSpace works on a 1:1 basis with employees and helps drive the business KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) with goal-focused online sessions. Its programs include personal coaching for soft skills, help to achieve your productivity goals, and interactive group coaching sessions with teams.

It measures KPIs at the managerial level with the aid of data and analytics. You can read their case studies and other findings on their blog without signing up for their services.

9. MentorcliQ

MentoclIQ Homepage Screenshot

MentorcliQ offers an entire suite of business products and services, including Mentoring Software, Mentoring App, Virtual Mentoring, Enterprise Mentoring, and DEI Mentoring. Its programs include:

  • Personalized training and resources for employees.
  • SaaS mentoring system with data security.
  • Program support from dedicated success coaches.

It has programs for the entire employee life-cycle, from onboarding to succession planning. It also holds virtual events on professional mentoring that you can join upon registering.

10. Qooper

Qooper Homepage Screenshot

Qooper is another SaaS platform that offers mentoring and coaching software services to companies, associations, and universities. You can integrate its software with existing systems like GSuite, Zoom, Slack, etc. If you're looking for platforms to find a mentor, Qooper is the place to be. Its algorithm matches mentors with mentees, creates an easy tracking system, automates all administrative tasks, and allows program managers to focus on growth and progress.

Companies can avail of its services right from Onboarding employees. Other focus areas include Career Conversations, Upskilling, and Learning.

11. eMentorConnect

eMentorConnect Homepage Screenshot

eMentorConnect is a software service geared towards employee training and mentoring. The platform caters to educational institutions, small businesses, large enterprises, government offices, and non-profits.

You can attend virtual or in-person workshops to learn more about the essentials of mentoring. Learning topics include DEI, sustainable change at the workplace, cross-cultural collaboration, leadership exploration, behavioral interviewing skills, job interview preparation, emotional intelligence, communication skills, conflict resolution, networking, managing your personal brand, and more.

Find a Coach Today to Improve Your Performance at Work

Having a mentor overseeing your performance or a coach guiding your professional moves might just be what you need to propel your career to the next level. Talk to HR or your manager to collaborate with one of the coaching platforms mentioned above. This can boost your team's productivity at work significantly.

You can contact the few that also provide services to professionals independently. Make use of their free demos, and take the first step towards a better work-life today.

About The Author

Al Kaatib (20 Articles Published)

Al Kaatib has ten years of experience as a Freelance Writer specializing in digital content for B2B and B2C firms and has written corporate communications for Uber, Google, and TCS, among other digital platforms.

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