Bill Gates uses a foldable phone, but it's not a Surface

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/bill-gates-uses-a-foldable-phone-but-it039s-not-a-surface/
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Bill Gates uses a foldable phone, but it's not a Surface

Microsoft Surface Duo 2 images

In a Reddit AMA (ask me anything) session, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has said that he is currently using a foldable phone as his daily driver. However, the foldable device that he has mentioned is not the Surface Duo 2, it's Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3.

Bill Gates has mentioned that the Galaxy Z Fold3 is a device that is a portable PC and a phone at the same time. And it seems he loves that characteristic of the Z Fold3. However, the Microsoft founder has also mentioned that he loves to try "different ones."

Gates has always been quite open about which devices he has for personal use. Back when it became quite clear that Windows Phone was dead, Gates openly admitted that he was using "an Android phone with a lot of Microsoft software."

However, Gates ditching Windows Phone in favor of Android was quite an obvious choice because he didn't seem to like iPhone that much. And now, even though Microsoft is trying to sort of re-enter the phone space with the Surface Duo lineup, the ex-Microsoft CEO doesn't seem convinced enough to try the Surface Duo 2 as his daily driver.

While the first-generation Surface Duo had received a great response from both reviewers and users, the second-generation Duo failed to get the appeal it needed to go head to head with rivals like the Galaxy Z Fold3. Nevertheless, after the March 2022 firmware update, the Surface Duo 2 now seems to be a much better product than it was when it was launched. However, the firmware update didn't bring enough improvements to convince Bill Gates. He seems to be enjoying the experience of the Galaxy Z Fold3 for now.

Source: Reddit | via Android Authority

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