Images of a Mysterious New Windows 11 App Have Leaked Online

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-designer-leak/
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Images of a Mysterious New Windows 11 App Have Leaked Online

By Simon Batt Published 16 hours ago

The app is called "Designer," and it gives us a hint at what Microsoft wants from its new operating system.

a Windows 11 laptop on a desk

Most of the time, Microsoft is the one to bring us the news about everything Windows 11-related. However, sometimes it leaks online a little ahead of time, as is the case of the mysterious new "Designer" app that a renowned leaker posted online.

The Strange New Designer App for Windows 11

The leak comes to us on Twitter, from WalkingCat A.K.A _h0x0d_. If that name is familiar to you, it's because he was the mastermind behind several big Microsoft-related leaks in the past, such as Windows 11 (known back then as 'the new Windows') and the early stages of Windows 365 Cloud.

Now, the cat has dragged in another leak, this time about a new "Designer" app for Windows 11:

Microsoft Designer pic.twitter.com/qK1S9MW6Lq — WalkingCat (@_h0x0d_) May 16, 2022

It looks like a similar app to Microsoft Publisher, except more focused on the web. You can use the tool to design visually appealing assets such as leaflets, brochures, and book covers, then share your design on social media websites with the click of a button.

It can natively post designs on LinkedIn, which implies that Designer might be a great tool for graphic designers looking for new clients.

Will Designer Sink or Swim?

This isn't the first time that Microsoft has experimented with adding new apps to Windows 11. For instance, the company recently added a new video editing software called Clipchamp to the out-of-box Windows 11 experience.

The only problem is that people didn't like Clipchamp at all. It was aggressively priced from the get-go, and it didn't contain the features that people could get from free third-party apps. Microsoft has since lowered Clipchamp's prices, but it still left a sour taste in people's mouths.

As such, we'll have to see if Microsoft learned from the Clipchamp launch, or if it will ask for a hefty fee to use the app.

Designer or Dead Weight?

Microsoft is planning to add a new Designer app to Windows 11, but will it be worth your time? We'll have to wait and see.

About The Author

Simon Batt (780 Articles Published)

A Computer Science BSc graduate with a deep passion for all things security. After working for an indie game studio, he found his passion for writing and decided to use his skill set to write about all things tech.

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