Apple sending notice to developers invited to WWDC 2022 - 9to5Mac

 2 years ago
source link: https://9to5mac.com/2022/05/12/apple-sending-notice-to-developers-invited-to-special-wwdc-2022-in-person-event/
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Apple sending notice to developers invited to WWDC 2022


Apple last month announced WWDC 2022, another edition of its annual developer conference. This year, however, Apple let developers register for an in-person event at Apple Park. Now the company is sending the notice to developers who have been chosen to join the special event.

In-person Apple events had been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This time, although WWDC 2022 will be pre-recorded and all online, Apple will open its campus to a limited number of developers who can watch the opening keynote along with the company’s engineers and designers.

Similar to registration for other WWDC events before the pandemic, developers interested in attending the event had to register via the Apple Developer website. Due to multiple restrictions, which include inviting fewer people to avoid COVID-19 spreading, registration for this special WWDC 2022 event was free.

Submissions to join the event were open from May 9 to May 11. Now Apple is notifying developers whether or not they were invited – which the company claims was a “random selection process.”

Selected developers “must follow Apple’s health and safety protocols.” Apple says that a negative COVID-19 test no older than three days before the event is required to enter Apple Park. However, wearing a mask is “currently” optional, as this can change at any time due to local laws.

In addition to the opening keynote, invited developers will have the chance to be the first to tour the new Developer Center at Apple Park. WWDC 2022 begins June 6, with online sessions through June 10. More details can be found on Apple’s website.

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Filipe Espósito


Filipe Espósito is a Brazilian tech Journalist who started covering Apple news on iHelp BR with some exclusive scoops — including the reveal of the new Apple Watch Series 5 models in titanium and ceramic. He joined 9to5Mac to share even more tech news around the world.

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