使用 Solidity、Web3 和 Vue.js 创建区块链游戏

 2 years ago
source link: https://xie.infoq.cn/article/5705d51884aeaefac253016c6
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neoserver,ios ssh client


对于 Solidity 的初学者,可以关注 buildspace 上的教程。

这里智能合约需要完成用户角色创建,铸造选择的角色,然后用它来对抗 BOSS。


mkdir vue-game-dapp


cd vue-game-dapp


npm init


npm install @openzeppelin/contracts --savenpm install hardhat chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers ethereum-waffle --save-dev 

现在编写智能合约,在项目根目录下创建智能合约文件夹 contracts

mkdir contracts

contracts 文件夹中创建一个新文件并将其命名为 EpicGame.sol,并在其中写入以下代码:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;

这始终是智能合约文件中的第一行,用来指定 solidity 的版本。现在来编写代码制作完整的游戏智能合约 EpicGame

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";import "./libraries/Base64.sol";import "hardhat/console.sol";contract EpicGame is ERC721 {    struct CharacterAttributes {        uint256 characterIndex;        string name;        string imageURI;        uint256 hp;        uint256 maxHp;        uint256 attackDamage;    }    struct BigBoss {        string name;        string imageURI;        uint256 hp;        uint256 maxHp;        uint256 attackDamage;    }    BigBoss public bigBoss;    using Counters for Counters.Counter;    Counters.Counter private _tokenIds;    CharacterAttributes[] defaultCharacters;    mapping(uint256 => CharacterAttributes) public nftHolderAttributes;    mapping(address => uint256) public nftHolders;    event CharacterNFTMinted(        address sender,        uint256 tokenId,        uint256 characterIndex    );    event AttackComplete(uint256 newBossHp, uint256 newPlayerHp);    constructor(        string[] memory characterNames,        string[] memory characterImageURIs,        uint256[] memory characterHp,        uint256[] memory characterAttackDmg,        string memory bossName,        string memory bossImageURI,        uint256 bossHp,        uint256 bossAttackDamage    ) ERC721("Heroes", "HERO") {        for (uint256 i = 0; i < characterNames.length; i += 1) {            defaultCharacters.push(                CharacterAttributes({                    characterIndex: i,                    name: characterNames[i],                    imageURI: characterImageURIs[i],                    hp: characterHp[i],                    maxHp: characterHp[i],                    attackDamage: characterAttackDmg[i]                })            );            CharacterAttributes memory c = defaultCharacters[i];            console.log(                "Done initializing %s w/ HP %s, img %s",                c.name,                c.hp,                c.imageURI            );        }        bigBoss = BigBoss({            name: bossName,            imageURI: bossImageURI,            hp: bossHp,            maxHp: bossHp,            attackDamage: bossAttackDamage        });        console.log(            "Done initializing boss %s w/ HP %s, img %s",            bigBoss.name,            bigBoss.hp,            bigBoss.imageURI        );        _tokenIds.increment();    }    function mintCharacterNFT(uint256 _characterIndex) external {        uint256 newItemId = _tokenIds.current();        _safeMint(msg.sender, newItemId);        nftHolderAttributes[newItemId] = CharacterAttributes({            characterIndex: _characterIndex,            name: defaultCharacters[_characterIndex].name,            imageURI: defaultCharacters[_characterIndex].imageURI,            hp: defaultCharacters[_characterIndex].hp,            maxHp: defaultCharacters[_characterIndex].hp,            attackDamage: defaultCharacters[_characterIndex].attackDamage        });        console.log(            "Minted NFT w/ tokenId %s and characterIndex %s",            newItemId,            _characterIndex        );        nftHolders[msg.sender] = newItemId;        _tokenIds.increment();        emit CharacterNFTMinted(msg.sender, newItemId, _characterIndex);    }    function attackBoss() public {        uint256 nftTokenIdOfPlayer = nftHolders[msg.sender];        CharacterAttributes storage player = nftHolderAttributes[            nftTokenIdOfPlayer        ];        console.log(            "\nPlayer w/ character %s about to attack. Has %s HP and %s AD",            player.name,            player.hp,            player.attackDamage        );        console.log(            "Boss %s has %s HP and %s AD",            bigBoss.name,            bigBoss.hp,            bigBoss.attackDamage        );        require(player.hp > 0, "Error: character must have HP to attack boss.");        require(bigBoss.hp > 0, "Error: boss must have HP to attack boss.");        if (bigBoss.hp < player.attackDamage) {            bigBoss.hp = 0;        } else {            bigBoss.hp = bigBoss.hp - player.attackDamage;        }        if (player.hp < bigBoss.attackDamage) {            player.hp = 0;        } else {            player.hp = player.hp - bigBoss.attackDamage;        }        console.log("Boss attacked player. New player hp: %s\n", player.hp);        emit AttackComplete(bigBoss.hp, player.hp);    }    function checkIfUserHasNFT()        public        view        returns (CharacterAttributes memory)    {        uint256 userNftTokenId = nftHolders[msg.sender];        if (userNftTokenId > 0) {            return nftHolderAttributes[userNftTokenId];        } else {            CharacterAttributes memory emptyStruct;            return emptyStruct;        }    }    function getAllDefaultCharacters()        public        view        returns (CharacterAttributes[] memory)    {        return defaultCharacters;    }    function getBigBoss() public view returns (BigBoss memory) {        return bigBoss;    }    function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId)        public        view        override        returns (string memory)    {        CharacterAttributes memory charAttributes = nftHolderAttributes[            _tokenId        ];        string memory strHp = Strings.toString(charAttributes.hp);        string memory strMaxHp = Strings.toString(charAttributes.maxHp);        string memory strAttackDamage = Strings.toString(            charAttributes.attackDamage        );        string memory json = Base64.encode(            bytes(                string(                    abi.encodePacked(                        '{"name": "',                        charAttributes.name,                        " -- NFT #: ",                        Strings.toString(_tokenId),                        '", "description": "This is an NFT that lets people play in the game", "image": "',                        charAttributes.imageURI,                        '", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Health Points", "value": ',                        strHp,                        ', "max_value":',                        strMaxHp,                        '}, { "trait_type": "Attack Damage", "value": ',                        strAttackDamage,                        "} ]}"                    )                )            )        );        string memory output = string(            abi.encodePacked("data:application/json;base64,", json)        );        return output;    }}

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