2 years ago
source link: https://zjcqn.github.io/posts/Paper_adv_explain_and_harnessing/
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Posted 1 year ago2020-10-28T19:44:00+08:00 by 陈钱牛
Updated 1 year ago2021-01-23T19:25:32+08:00



  • Early attempts at explaining this phenomenon focused on nonlinearity and overfitting.
  • We argue instead that the primary cause of neural networks’ vulnerability to adversarial perturbation is their linear nature.
  • harnessing method:Using this approach to provide examples for adversarial training


  • Szegedy et al. (2014b)1 find adversarial examples. This suggests that adversarial examples expose fundamental blind spots in our training algorithms.speculative explanations have suggested it is due to extreme nonlinearity of deep neural networks, perhaps combined with insufficient model averaging and insufficient regularization of the purely supervised learning problem.
  • show evidence to argue the explanation
    • Linear behavior in high-dimensional spaces is sufficient to cause adversarial examples.
  • raise a method to provide an additional regularization: adversarial training
  • 作者认为非线性才是对抗性样本攻击的成因

related work

  • Those most relevant to Szegedy et al. (2014b)1 include:

    • Box-constrained L-BFGS can reliably find adversarial examples.
    • On some datasets, such as ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009)2, the adversarial examples were so close to the original examples that the differences were indistinguishable to the human eye.
    • The same adversarial example is often misclassified by a variety of classifiers with different architectures or trained on different subsets of the training data.
    • Shallow softmax regression models are also vulnerable to adversarial examples.
    • Training on adversarial examples can regularize the model—however, this was not practicalat the time due to the need for expensive constrained optimization in the inner loop.
  • These results suggest that classifiers based on modern machine learning techniques, even those that obtain excellent performance on the test set, are not learning the true underlying concepts that determine the correct output label. Instead, these algorithms have built a Potemkin village (骗人的村庄,形式主义) that works well on naturally occuring data, but is exposed as a fake when one visits points in space that do not have high probability in the data distribution.

The Linear Explanation Of Adversarial Examples

  1. Szegedy C, Zaremba W, Sutskever I, et al. Intriguing properties of neural networks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6199, 2013.  ↩2

  2. Deng J, Dong W, Socher R, et al. Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchical image database[C]//2009 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. Ieee, 2009: 248-255. 

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