GDA | 随机预测(Stochastic Prediction)

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GDA | 随机预测(Stochastic Prediction)


2020-12-25 更新于 2021-01-26 分类于 GIS

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模拟一个信号 S(t―N,w―),其中,t―N 是一个规律性分布的点的集合,点集大小为 N。 (1)t―N=[01...N−1]

# sample size
N = 1000
# observation epochs (we assume to sample the signal on a regular basis
t = np.arange(0, N, 1).reshape((N, 1)) # a column vector
假设该信号平稳(stationary),则该信号的协方差函数为(指数模型 ): (2)CS(|t−t′|)=A0e(−α0|t−t′|)

# signal covariance model
# variance of the random signal
A0 = 9
# decay speed of the covariance model
a0 = 1/100
# exponential model
cf = A0 * np.exp(-a0*t) # a column vector

对应的协方差矩阵为: (3)CSN×N=[CS(0)CS(1)CS(2)...CS(N−1)CS(1)CS(0)CS(1)...CS(N−2)...CS(N−1)CS(N−2)CS(N−3)...CS(0)]=[A0A0e−α0×1A0e−α0×2...A0e−α0×(N−1))A0e−α0×1A0A0e−α0×1...A0e−α0×(N−2))...A0e−α0×(N−1))A0e−α0×(N−2))A0e−α0×(N−2))...A0]

由于数据规律性分布(△=1),因此,其协方差矩阵是 T 型矩阵。

T型矩阵(Toeplitz matrix):主对角线上的元素相等,平行于主对角线的线上的元素也相等;矩阵中的各元素关于次对角线对称,即T型矩阵为次对称矩阵。

from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
# covariance matrix of the given N-dimensional sample variable
C = toeplitz(cf)

将协方差矩阵进行 Cholesky 分解:CS=L×L+

Cholesky 分解:把一个对称正定的矩阵表示成一个下三角矩阵 L 和其转置的乘积的分解。它要求矩阵的所有特征值必须大于零,故分解的下三角的对角元也是大于零的。

# Cholesky decomposition C=LxL' (L=lower triangular matrix)
L = np.linalg.cholesky(C)

假设 X―N 是一个满足正态分布的随机变量,具有以下性质: (4)E{X―N}=0CX―X―=I

令随机变量 S(t―N,w) 为 X―N 的一个线性变换: (5)S(t―N,w)=L×X―N 则其具有以下性质: 满足上面的分解(6)E{S(t―N,w)}=L×E{X―N}=0―CSS=L×CX―X―×L+=L×L+(满足上面的 Cholesky 分解)

故而模拟的信号可以由以下等式给出: (7)S(t―N)=L×x―N0

其中,x―N0 是 X―N 的一个样本

# signal sampling simulation 
y = L.dot(np.random.randn(N, 1))

增加随机白噪声(random white-noise)v―,其方差为 σv2。

# noise standard deviation 40% of signal
sigma_v = 0.4 * np.sqrt(cf[0,0])
# white noise generation (normal white noise)
v = sigma_v * np.random.randn(N,1)

因此,最终模拟的数据为: (8)y―0=S(t―N)+v―

# observations (sampled signal + white noise
y0 = y + v



# observation mean removal
y0_m = y0 - np.mean(y0)
# max length for ecf evaluation
N2 = int(N/2)
# ecf: xcorr(y0_m, N2)
ecf = np.correlate(y0_m.T[0], y0_m.T[0], mode="full")[len(y0_m)-1-N2:len(y0_m)+N2]

ecf = ecf[N2:2*N2+1].reshape((N2+1, 1))
# biased, definite postive
ecf = ecf / N



这里,我们使用指数模型: (9)CF=A0e(−α0(|t−t′|))

使用最小二乘法(LS)估测参数 A0^ 和 α0^。

1. 确定参数的近似值 A~ 和 α~

利用第 2 和 第 3 个协方差系数来估算 A~,利用相关长度(correlation length)估算 α~(10)A~=2×CF(1)−CF(2)σ0^2=CF(0)−A~A~2=A~∗e(−α~(|τ¯|))ln12=−α~(|τ¯|)−ln2=−α~(|τ¯|)α~=ln2|τ¯|

# approximated values of the parameters for linearization
## intersection with t=0 of the straight line
## exactly interpolating the covariance
## coefficients at step 1 and 2
Ast01 = 2*ecf[1,0] - ecf[2,0]
Ast0 = Ast01
# noise variance estimate
sigma2st0_v = ecf[0,0] - Ast0

ecf_05 = Ast0/2
i_lcorr = np.argwhere(ecf-ecf_05<=0).min(0)[0]
t_lcorr = t[i_lcorr-1,0] # correlation length
# assumption: A/ecf(lcorr) = 2
ast01 = np.log(2)/t_lcorr

# approximated cf model
ecm01 = Ast0 * np.exp(-ast01*t)

2. 迭代估测


i_up = np.argwhere(ecf[1:]-ecf[:-1]>=0).min(0)[0]
t_up = t[i_up,0]
#print(i_up, t[1:i_up+1])
# point selection for LS interpolation
t0 = t[1:i_up+1] # confusion here!!!
# ecf values to be interpolated
ecf0 = ecf[1:i_up+1]

# first iteration
Ast = Ast01
ast = ast01

# cf
ecm = Ast * np.exp(-ast*t)
plt.plot(t[:M+1], ecm[:M+1], 'r', label='ecm')
for i in range(5):
# design matrix (Jacobian)
A = np.hstack([np.exp(-ast*t0),-Ast*t0*np.exp(-ast*t0)])
# known terms vector
a = np.asmatrix(Ast * np.exp(-ast*t0))
#print(A, A.shape, a.shape, ecf0.shape, t0.shape)
# estimated parameters
xst = inv(A.T.dot(A)).dot(A.T).dot(ecf0-a)
#print(xst, xst.shape)
# i-th iteration
Ast += xst[0,0]
ast += xst[1,0]
#print(Ast, ast, M)
# cf
ecm = Ast * np.exp(-ast*t)
#print(t.shape, ecm.shape)
plt.plot(t[:M], ecm[:M], 'r')

sigma2st_v = ecf[0,0] - Ast

使用观测值和协方差函数 CF^ 预测指定点集的信号值

  • 观测值:y―0
  • 协方差函数: (11)CF^=A0^e(−α0^(|t−t′|))
  • 预测: (12)y^=Cyy×(Cyy+k×(σ0^2×IN×N))−1×y0
# number of observations to filter
n = 100

# Covariance matrix of the sampled signal
Cyy = toeplitz(ecm[:n+1])

# Covariance matrix of the sampled signal + noise
Cy0y0 = Cyy + np.eye(n+1)*sigma2st_v

# filtered signal
yst = Cyy.dot(inv(Cy0y0)).dot(y0_m[:n+1])
est = y[:n+1] - yst

estimation error:
mean\t\t= {}
std\t\t= {}
""".format(np.mean(est), np.std(est)))

# Covariance matrix of the sampled signal
Cyy = toeplitz(ecm[:n+1])
# Covariance matrix of the sampled signal + noise
Cy0y0 = Cyy + 9*np.eye(n+1)*sigma2st_v

# filtered signal
yst = Cyy.dot(inv(Cy0y0)).dot(y0_m[:n+1])

est = y[:n+1] - yst

estimation error:
mean\t\t= {}
std\t\t= {}
""".format(np.mean(est), np.std(est)))

可以看出,k 值越大,noise 的方差越大,估测信号越平滑。

如果我们修改相关长度(correlation length)的大小:

ecmErr = Ast * np.exp(-0.1*ast*t)
Cyy = toeplitz(ecmErr[:n+1])

# Covariance matrix of the sampled signal + noise
Cy0y0 = Cyy + 9*np.eye(n+1)*sigma2st_v # smoother

# filtered signal
yst = Cyy.dot(inv(Cy0y0)).dot(y0_m[:n+1])

est = y[:n+1] - yst

estimation error:
mean\t\t= {}
std\t\t= {}
""".format(np.mean(est), np.std(est)))


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