Kotlin - coroutine channels

 2 years ago
source link: http://mussatto.github.io/kotlin/channel/coroutine/consumer/queue/2020/08/13/kotlin-channels.html
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“Stuff I always forget how to do and have to google it”

Step 1 - create channel reader or processor (in parallel)

private fun CoroutineScope.createProcessorJob(channel: Channel<String>): Job {
    return launch {
        //process untill channel closed
        for (message in channel) {
            println("PROCESSOR: processing ->$message<-")
        println("OMG, THE CHANNEL IS CLOSED!")

Step 2 - create channel sender or producer (in parallel)

private fun CoroutineScope.sendListToChannel(list: List<String>, channel: Channel<String>): MutableList<Job> {
    val senderJobs = mutableListOf<Job>()
    list.forEach {
        val job = launch {
            channel.send("Hey processor, process $it")
            println("Sending super duper fast, until the capacity is hit.")

    return senderJobs

Orchestrate everything

val list = listOf("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O")
val channel = Channel<String>(5)
// wait for the whole test to finish
runBlocking {

        val processorJob = createProcessorJob(channel)
        val senderJobs = sendListToChannel(list, channel)


Source code: Here

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