Phpstorm Paste Without Escaping

 2 years ago
source link: https://edmondscommerce.github.io/phpstorm-paste-without-escaping/
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Phpstorm Paste Without Escaping ·

Phpstorm Paste Without Escaping

Mar 20, 2017 · 1 minute read
Category: PHPStorm

One really great annoying feature of PHPStorm is that by default, when copying and pasting a chunk of code, it will automatically escape everything.

There are certain times when this can be a time saver, but often it is just getting in the way.

There is a solution though:

Simply enough - instead of just hitting [ctrl]+[v] you have a right click menu option for “simple paste” and this will just paste the text as is, without any escaping

Tags: PHPStormcopypasteescaping


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