
 2 years ago
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你没看错,这款唯二的「Play the OpenAPI requests over command line」——「以命令行方式与微信支付接口交互」姗姗来了,旨在提供一种简洁高效的方式,让开发者可以快速对接,希望能对开发有所帮助。

nodejs版的 wechatpay-axios-plugin 已经进入v0.5版,在这一版上,有如下改变:

  • 全部代码(包括265条测试用例)使用 eslint-config-airbnb-base 代码风格校验;
  • 使用 yargs 包替换了 commander,重构了「平台证书下载器」工具,使其降级为此命令行一个特殊方法;
  • 降级 form-datayargs 包为 peerDependencies,没有这俩包,90%+ 的接口是可以正常工作的,缩减依赖;
  • 新增 bin/cli.js,开发可以仅用一条命令就能跑得欢实不要不要的了;

开始使用前,需要开发者自行安装cli模式依赖的npm包,即 npm i yargs

./node_modules/.bin/wxpay --help

wxpay <command>

  wxpay crt        The WeChatPay APIv3s Certificate Downloader
  wxpay req <uri>  Play the OpenAPI requests over command line

      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]
  -u, --baseURL  The baseURL  [string] [default: "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/"]

for more information visit "https://github.com/TheNorthMemory/wechatpay-axios-plugin"

./node_modules/.bin/wxpay crt --help

wxpay crt

The WeChatPay APIv3s Certificate Downloader

  -m, --mchid       The merchants ID.  [string] [required]
  -s, --serialno    The serial number.  [string] [required]
  -f, --privatekey  Path of the merchants private key certificate.  [string] [required]
  -k, --key         The secret key string of the merchants APIv3.  [string] [required]
  -o, --output      Path to output the platform certificate(s)  [string] [default: "/tmp"]

      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]
  -u, --baseURL  The baseURL  [string] [default: "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/"]

./node_modules/.bin/wxpay req --help

wxpay req <uri>

Play the WeChatPay OpenAPI requests over command line

request <uri>
  -c, --config   The configuration  [required]
  -b, --binary   Point out the response as `arraybuffer`  [boolean]
  -m, --method   The request HTTP verb  [default: "POST"]
  -h, --headers  Special request HTTP header(s)
  -d, --data     The request HTTP body
  -p, --params   The request HTTP query parameter(s)

      --version  Show version number  [boolean]
      --help     Show help  [boolean]
  -u, --baseURL  The baseURL  [string] [default: "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/"]

wxpay crt -m N -s S -f F.pem -k K -o .

The WeChatPay Platform Certificate#0
  notBefore=Wed, 22 Apr 2020 01:43:19 GMT
  notAfter=Mon, 21 Apr 2025 01:43:19 GMT
  Saved to: wechatpay_HEXADECIAL.pem
You may confirm the above infos again even if this library already did(by Rsa.verify):
    openssl x509 -in wechatpay_HEXADECIAL.pem -noout -serial -dates


wxpay req v3/pay/transactions/native \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial HEXADECIAL \
  -c.privateKey /path/your/merchant/mchid.key \
  -c.certs.HEXADECIAL /path/the/platform/certificates/HEXADECIAL.pem \
  -d.appid wxd678efh567hg6787 \
  -d.mchid 1230000109 \
  -d.description 'Image形象店-深圳腾大-QQ公仔' \
  -d.out_trade_no '1217752501201407033233368018' \
  -d.notify_url 'https://www.weixin.qq.com/wxpay/pay.php' \
  -d.amount.total 100 \
  -d.amount.currency CNY


wxpay req v3/pay/transactions/id/1217752501201407033233368018 \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial HEXADECIAL \
  -c.privateKey /path/your/merchant/mchid.key \
  -c.certs.HEXADECIAL /path/the/platform/certificates/HEXADECIAL.pem \
  -m get \
  -p.mchid 1230000109


wxpay req v3/pay/transactions/out-trade-no/1217752501201407033233368018 \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial HEXADECIAL \
  -c.privateKey /path/your/merchant/mchid.key \
  -c.certs.HEXADECIAL /path/the/platform/certificates/HEXADECIAL.pem \
  -d.mchid 1230000109


wxpay req v3/bill/tradebill \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial HEXADECIAL \
  -c.privateKey /path/your/merchant/mchid.key \
  -c.certs.HEXADECIAL /path/the/platform/certificates/HEXADECIAL.pem \
  -m get \
  -p.bill_date '2021-02-12' \
  -p.bill_type 'ALL'


wxpay req v2/pay/micropay \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial any \
  -c.privateKey any \
  -c.certs.any \
  -c.secret your_merchant_secret_key_string \
  -d.appid wxd678efh567hg6787 \
  -d.mch_id 1230000109 \
  -d.device_info 013467007045764 \
  -d.nonce_str 5K8264ILTKCH16CQ2502SI8ZNMTM67VS \
  -d.detail 'Image形象店-深圳腾大-QQ公仔' \
  -d.spbill_create_ip \
  -d.out_trade_no '1217752501201407033233368018' \
  -d.total_fee 100 \
  -d.fee_type CNY \
  -d.auth_code 120061098828009406

auth_code 输入配合扫码枪,体验就飞起来了~


wxpay req v2/tools/authcodetoopenid \
  -c.mchid 1230000109 \
  -c.serial any \
  -c.privateKey any \
  -c.certs.any \
  -c.secret your_merchant_secret_key_string \
  -d.appid wxd678efh567hg6787 \
  -d.mch_id 1230000109 \
  -d.nonce_str 5K8264ILTKCH16CQ2502SI8ZNMTM67VS \
  -d.auth_code 120061098828009406

主程序 bin/cli.js 上,加入了一个中间件,代码如下:

.middleware((argv) => {
  if (argv.c && argv.c.privateKey && argv.c.privateKey !== 'any') {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
    argv.config.privateKey = readFileSync(argv.c.privateKey);
  if (argv.c && argv.c.certs && Object.keys(argv.c.certs)[0] !== 'any') {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign, no-param-reassign, no-sequences */
    argv.config.certs = Object.entries(argv.config.certs).reduce((o, [k, v]) => (o[k] = readFileSync(v), o), {});
  if (argv.c && argv.c.merchant) {
    if (argv.c.merchant.cert && argv.c.merchant.cert !== 'any') {
      /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
      argv.config.merchant.cert = readFileSync(argv.c.merchant.cert);
    if (argv.c.merchant.key && argv.c.merchant.key !== 'any') {
      /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
      argv.config.merchant.key = readFileSync(argv.c.merchant.key);
    if (argv.c.merchant.pfx && argv.c.merchant.pfx !== 'any') {
      /* eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign */
      argv.config.merchant.pfx = readFileSync(argv.c.merchant.pfx);
}, true)

其作用就是,把sdk所需的证书,从文件形式自动加载,供后续 cli/request.js方法直接使用,req方法核心代码也就10来行!

handler(argv) {
  const {
    baseURL, uri, config, method, data, params, headers,
  } = argv;
  const responseType = argv.binary ? 'arraybuffer' : undefined;
  const structure = [{ params, headers, responseType }];

  if (data) { structure.unshift(data); }

  (new Wechatpay({ baseURL, ...config }))[uri][method](...structure)
    /* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */

代码以 MIT 开放源码公开在 https://github.com/TheNorthMemory/wechatpay-axios-plugin ,如果喜欢,就来个 Star

Q: 哇!这么简单?

A: 不就是为了简单么。。。

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