微信支付PHP开发对接18讲——01: Formatter 从格式化参数说起

 2 years ago
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Formatter::nonce 随机字符串产生器


 * Generate a random ASCII string aka `nonce`, similar as `random_bytes`.
 * @param int $size - Nonce string length, default is 32.
 * @return string - base62 random string.
public static function nonce(int $size = 32): string
    return array_reduce(range(1, $size), static function(string $char) {
        return $char .= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[mt_rand(0, 61)];
    }, '');

本来是可以一行显示的,为了阅读起来方便,特意做了格式化,这个函数使用了PHP内置的三个函数array_reduce, rangemt_rand,并且使用了 Closure Static Anonymous Functions。 此函数的设计思路是:根据入参$size,先构建一个堆栈,然后从 Base62 字符串内随机取个数,填充堆栈并合并返回。


const BASE62_CHARS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

public static function nonce(int $size = 32): string
    return preg_replace_callback('#0#', static function() {
        return BASE62_CHARS[rand(0, 61)];
    }, str_repeat('0', $size));

使用了 preg_replace_callback randstr_repeat 三个内置函数,同样的设计思路,不过有个缺陷,即 $size 型参必须大于0,这个是受限 str_repeat 型参要求。

两个函数其实都备注有与PHP内置的 random_bytes 函数相似,而 random_bytes 也存在型参 $size 必须大于0的要求,其返回值是 Base36 的。

最终选择 array_reduce+range+mt_rand 的组合,这里是做了性能测试的,测试代码如下:

// file: cli.php, run: php -f cli.php
const BASE62_CHARS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

$start = microtime(true);
$a = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
    $a .= BASE62_CHARS[mt_rand(0, 61)];
    '[%30s] Time: %.7f s  %-32.32s %s', 'for loop',
    microtime(true) - $start, $a, PHP_EOL

$start = microtime(true);
$a = preg_replace_callback('#0#', static function() {
    return BASE62_CHARS[rand(0, 61)];
}, str_repeat('0', 50));
    '[%30s] Time: %.7f s  %-32.32s %s', 'preg_replace_callback',
    microtime(true) - $start, $a, PHP_EOL

$start = microtime(true);
$a = array_reduce(range(1, 50), static function(string $c) {
    return $c .= '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[random_int(0, 61)];
}, '');
    '[%30s] Time: %.7f s  %-32.32s %s', 'array_reduce/random_int',
    microtime(true) - $start, $a, PHP_EOL

$start = microtime(true);
$a = array_reduce(range(1, 50), static function(string $c) {
    return $c .= '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[mt_rand(0, 61)];
}, '');
    '[%30s] Time: %.7f s  %-32.32s %s', 'array_reduce/mt_rand',
    microtime(true) - $start, $a, PHP_EOL

$start = microtime(true);
$a = substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(50)), 0, 50);
    '[%30s] Time: %.7f s  %-32.32s %s', 'random_bytes',
    microtime(true) - $start, $a, PHP_EOL


[                      for loop] Time: 0.0004230 s  twqdlCDCyMknrFMJEjPfl94SdFK2a2Km
[         preg_replace_callback] Time: 0.0035770 s  aTb7yrpFVitQju7sKAgofTuiSsiw1Top
[       array_reduce/random_int] Time: 0.0001869 s  9IkLR7HEryOy8zlzuxpVIBpttpprlNib
[          array_reduce/mt_rand] Time: 0.0000098 s  7j2F2stRXiHvAxQ4j2IhplHXCHMGtl9j
[   substr/bin2hex/random_bytes] Time: 0.0000100 s  e6e33fd212b3083bfc4ebb29a13710b1

[                      for loop] Time: 0.0000420 s  UppY2CoJOVSmHE0EkynhyOeqaWdvSGJ5
[         preg_replace_callback] Time: 0.0002630 s  s64pxnpKALGq16HxnbCbKh0NGgRq8Ou2
[       array_reduce/random_int] Time: 0.0001841 s  7yYaGsWoBudf5PKlz2OkdodGrN05OkQo
[          array_reduce/mt_rand] Time: 0.0000188 s  0ruErA844vf9CifmfhEiyjoUVcbgv3yy
[   substr/bin2hex/random_bytes] Time: 0.0000091 s  db57e8c90751d00b76da5d553f54c950

[                      for loop] Time: 0.0000441 s  0hZgmb4EeYuL14FDd0UIkbjiNyjGjZxy
[         preg_replace_callback] Time: 0.0002651 s  BMoSsbN2N7ObEDmqpgtTKKtGdMiUuV4U
[       array_reduce/random_int] Time: 0.0001869 s  7cGZKBUGiZL6v594o5k6wtQTmm5I7IYq
[          array_reduce/mt_rand] Time: 0.0000200 s  leXlVr5aJ8zmhbn9kk27D3bpy4FJ6Mhy
[   substr/bin2hex/random_bytes] Time: 0.0000100 s  7c9de4e1ee533aa3c9ddecf78667afaf

[                      for loop] Time: 0.0000479 s  OpqudO593AKmRROllDX8h0tjuBzLXPQZ
[         preg_replace_callback] Time: 0.0002871 s  oXoJEBRt0Qpy5jXUNDnAapblbXhpBFI3
[       array_reduce/random_int] Time: 0.0002170 s  SPdIjbbiI3wKLrMCnAiurpBdnxeJsip6
[          array_reduce/mt_rand] Time: 0.0000169 s  bKygHiTtIj6LsnmWxRKXTtSpr1oIdkBJ
[   substr/bin2hex/random_bytes] Time: 0.0000169 s  f8c4105678ba0e97f41fbb9197332f28

其中 preg_replace_callback 组合是最慢的, array_reduce/mt_rand 组合与最快的 random_bytes 很接近。

array_reduce/mt_rand 接受的入参可以是负数,也可以是正数,从严谨性上来取舍,遂选择了这个组合。 测试用例如下:

public function nonceRulesProvider(): array
    return [
        'default $size=32'       => [32,  '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}/'],
        'half-default $size=16'  => [16,  '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}/'],
        'hundred $size=100'      => [100, '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{100}/'],
        'one $size=1'            => [1,   '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}/'],
        'zero $size=0'           => [0,   '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}/'],
        'negative $size=-1'      => [-1,  '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}/'],
        'negative $size=-16'     => [-16, '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}/'],
        'negative $size=-32'     => [-32, '/[a-zA-Z0-9]{34}/'],
 * @dataProvider nonceRulesProvider
public function testNonce(int $size, string $pattern): void
    $nonce = Formatter::nonce($size);


    self::assertTrue(strlen($nonce) === ($size > 0 ? $size : abs($size - 2)));

    if (method_exists($this, 'assertMatchesRegularExpression')) {
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $nonce);
    } else {
        self::assertRegExp($pattern, $nonce);


一个重要提示: 按照PHP手册上提示,mt_rand是密码学不安全的函数,这里也做一并提示 Formatter::nonce() 也是密码学不安全实现。本类库在使用时,仅当salt(盐)使用,扩展使用时,请注意使用场景。

Formatter::timestamp 时间戳

这个函数是对time()的一个及其简单的一个封装。之所以要封装,其实是有一点点说法的。按照微信支付官方开发文档说明,时间戳是自1970年1月1日起的Unix timesamp,即 Epoch timesamp。PHP内置time()函数就是这个值。其他平台,有见到把timesamp翻译成yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式的字符串,做这么个封装的原因:

  1. 对函数返回值做类型签名,严格区分其他平台的翻译;
  2. PHP的命名空间namespace,存在FQN引用,自PHP7开始,在命名空间下可以use function,为让代码通俗易懂,在一个地方引用内置函数,比多次引用要直观;


 * Retrieve the current `Unix` timestamp.
 * @return int - Epoch timestamp.
public static function timestamp(): int
    return time();


public function testTimestamp(): void
    $timestamp = Formatter::timestamp();
    $pattern = '/^1[0-9]{9}/';


    $timestamp = strval($timestamp);

    self::assertTrue(strlen($timestamp) === 10);

    if (method_exists($this, 'assertMatchesRegularExpression')) {
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $timestamp);
    } else {
        self::assertRegExp($pattern, $timestamp);

1开头的10位纯数字,记住了,这就是 Unix timestamp

Formatter::authorization 认证值

这个函数,官方文档说的很详细了,但是内涵相当多的知识点,没有明说(哲学:我认为你应该知道所以我不讲了),这个函数就是其中之一。翻MDN,引申有说明,RFC 7235, section 4.2: Authorization:只要符合规范,厂商可自主实现<type> <credentials>

微信支付 APIv3 即以 WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 声明 type 变量,mchid="%s",nonce_str="%s",signature="%s",timestamp="%s",serial_no="%s" 组合实现 credentials 声明。


 * Formatting for the heading `Authorization` value.
 * @param string $mchid - The merchant ID.
 * @param string $nonce - The Nonce string.
 * @param string $signature - The base64-encoded `Rsa::sign` ciphertext.
 * @param string $timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp.
 * @param string $serial - The serial number of the merchant public certification.
 * @return string - The APIv3 Authorization `header` value
public static function authorization(string $mchid, string $nonce, string $signature, string $timestamp, string $serial): string
    return sprintf(
        'WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 mchid="%s",nonce_str="%s",signature="%s",timestamp="%s",serial_no="%s"',
        $mchid, $nonce, $signature, $timestamp, $serial


  1. 商户号 mchid 是1至32字符的base62字符串,当前绝大部分商户号是纯数字;
  2. 请求随机串 nonce_str 只要能通过HTTP上送的字符均可,建议是至少16字符的base62字符串;
  3. 签名值 signaturebase64字符串,base64末尾有可能有0个、1个或者2个=号,这都是正常的base64字符串;
  4. 时间戳 timestampunix timestamp,如 Formatter::timestamp() 封装所述;
  5. 商户API证书 serial_no 是8至40字符的【0-9A-Z]全大写字符串;
  6. 认证值有字典要求,即 mchid,nonce,signature,timestamp,serial 即这5个必须出现,排列组合顺序任意,值的组合用半角逗号(,)分隔,严格没有空格;


public function testAuthorization(): void
    $value = Formatter::authorization('1001', Formatter::nonce(), 'mock', (string) Formatter::timestamp(), 'mockmockmock');


    self::assertStringStartsWith('WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 ', $value);
    self::assertStringEndsWith('"', $value);

    $pattern = '/^WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048 '
        . 'mchid="[0-9A-Za-z]{1,32}",'
        . 'nonce_str="[0-9A-Za-z]{16,}",'
        . 'signature="[0-9A-Za-z\+\/]+={0,2}",'
        . 'timestamp="1[0-9]{9}",'
        . 'serial_no="[0-9A-Z]{8,40}"$/';

    if (method_exists($this, 'assertMatchesRegularExpression')) {
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $value);
    } else {
        self::assertRegExp($pattern, $value);

PS: 官方文档上,特意说了 认证类型 <type>,目前为 WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048,畅想应该还会有其他值。所以在APIv3开发的时候,建议还是要多看看官方文档/公告说明,以免 我的代码没动过啊,为什么现在不行了 这类问题产生。

Formatter::request 请求字符串


 * Formatting this `HTTP::request` for `Rsa::sign` input.
 * @param string $method - The HTTP verb, must be the uppercase sting.
 * @param string $uri - Combined string with `URL::pathname` and `URL::search`.
 * @param string $timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp, should be the one used in `authorization`.
 * @param string $nonce - The `Nonce` string, should be the one used in `authorization`.
 * @param string $body - The playload string, HTTP `GET` should be an empty string.
 * @return string - The content for `Rsa::sign`
public static function request(string $method, string $uri, string $timestamp, string $nonce, string $body = ''): string
    return static::joinedByLineFeed($method, $uri, $timestamp, $nonce, $body);

函数入参接受5部分,其中$body可为空,内置驱动 joinedByLineFeed 做参数合并并返回字符串。这里有个点就是对入参 $timestamp 的类型定义,这里用了字符串定义,原因是:合并后的输出是个字符串,输入端就做了*妥协*,当然在非严格限制模式行,用纯数字输入也是可以的。


const LINE_FEED = "\n";

public function requestPhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
        'DELETE root(/)' => ['DELETE', '/', ''],
        'DELETE root(/) with query' => ['DELETE', '/?hello=wechatpay', ''],
        'GET root(/)' => ['GET', '/', ''],
        'GET root(/) with query' => ['GET', '/?hello=wechatpay', ''],
        'POST root(/) with body' => ['POST', '/', '{}'],
        'POST root(/) with body and query' => ['POST', '/?hello=wechatpay', '{}'],
        'PUT root(/) with body' => ['PUT', '/', '{}'],
        'PUT root(/) with body and query' => ['PUT', '/?hello=wechatpay', '{}'],
        'PATCH root(/) with body' => ['PATCH', '/', '{}'],
        'PATCH root(/) with body and query' => ['PATCH', '/?hello=wechatpay', '{}'],

 * @dataProvider requestPhrasesProvider
public function testRequest(string $method, string $uri, string $body): void
    $value = Formatter::request($method, $uri, (string) Formatter::timestamp(), Formatter::nonce(), $body);


    self::assertStringStartsWith($method, $value);
    self::assertStringEndsWith(LINE_FEED, $value);
    self::assertLessThanOrEqual(substr_count($value, LINE_FEED), 5);

    $pattern = '#^' . $method . LINE_FEED
        .  preg_quote($uri) . LINE_FEED
        . '1[0-9]{9}' . LINE_FEED
        . '[0-9A-Za-z]{32}' . LINE_FEED
        . preg_quote($body) . LINE_FEED
        . '$#';

    if (method_exists($this, 'assertMatchesRegularExpression')) {
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $value);
    } else {
        self::assertRegExp($pattern, $value);

测试用例说明一下,共计十种情形,函数返回值,必须以所请求的 $method 开头,并且至少含有5个LINE_FEED常量,其中一个LINE_FEED在末尾。 用例的数据供给,含了已知的APIv3 HTTP verbs,即:DELETE, GET, POST, PUTPATCH。 按照 rfc3986 规范,DELETEGET是不带请求$body的。

Formatter::response 响应字符串


 * Formatting this `HTTP::response` for `Rsa::verify` input.
 * @param string $timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp, should be the one from `response::headers[Wechatpay-Timestamp]`.
 * @param string $nonce - The `Nonce` string, should be the one from `response::headers[Wechatpay-Nonce]`.
 * @param string $body - The response payload string, HTTP status(`201`, `204`) should be an empty string.
 * @return string - The content for `Rsa::verify`
public static function response(string $timestamp, string $nonce, string $body = ''): string
    return static::joinedByLineFeed($timestamp, $nonce, $body);


public function responsePhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
        'HTTP 200 STATUS with body' => ['{}'],
        'HTTP 200 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 202 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 204 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 301 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 301 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 302 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 302 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 307 STATUS with no body' => [''],
        'HTTP 307 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 400 STATUS with body' => ['{}'],
        'HTTP 401 STATUS with body' => ['{}'],
        'HTTP 403 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 404 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 500 STATUS with body' => ['{}'],
        'HTTP 502 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],
        'HTTP 503 STATUS with body' => ['<html></html>'],

 * @dataProvider responsePhrasesProvider
public function testResponse(string $body): void
    $value = Formatter::response((string) Formatter::timestamp(), Formatter::nonce(), $body);


    self::assertStringEndsWith(LINE_FEED, $value);
    self::assertLessThanOrEqual(substr_count($value, LINE_FEED), 3);

    $pattern = '#^1[0-9]{9}' . LINE_FEED
        . '[0-9A-Za-z]{32}' . LINE_FEED
        . preg_quote($body) . LINE_FEED
        . '$#';

    if (method_exists($this, 'assertMatchesRegularExpression')) {
        self::assertMatchesRegularExpression($pattern, $value);
    } else {
        self::assertRegExp($pattern, $value);


  1. HTTP请求返回内容,均是纯文本格式,即使是头部内容,解析出来也是字符串形式;
  2. 与请求串格式化函数很像,这里接受3个参数,并且使用内置抽象函数joinedByLineFeed做数据合并;
  3. 官方文档上,仅描述了204状态码时的返回内容为空,其实API接口,也有可能产生202状态码返回,内容也是空的;
  4. 301/302/307/403/404/502/503等状态码时,返回的内容有可能不是预期的json字符串,而是html串;
  5. $timestamp/$nonce 是从HTTP HEADES上取,对应的key是Wechatpay-TimestampWechatpay-Nonce,其实还有3个key非常有用,后边再讲;

Formatter::joinedByLineFeed 字符合并




 * Joined this inputs by for `Line Feed`(LF) char.
 * @param string[] ...$pieces - The string(s) joined by line feed.
 * @return string - The joined string.
public static function joinedByLineFeed(...$pieces): string
    return implode("\n", array_merge($pieces, ['']));

这里用到了PHP7的弹性入参功能Variable-length argument lists,入参是平展展的字符串,赋值给$piecies型参,内部用了内置的implodearray_merge函数,来构建末尾是0xoA的字符串。



public function joinedByLineFeedPhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
        'one argument' => [1],
        'two arguments' => [1, '2'],
        'mixed arguments' => [1, 2.0, '3', LINE_FEED, true, false, null, '4'],

 * @dataProvider joinedByLineFeedPhrasesProvider
public function testJoinedByLineFeed(...$data): void
    $value = Formatter::joinedByLineFeed(...$data);


    self::assertStringEndsWith(LINE_FEED, $value);

    self::assertLessThanOrEqual(substr_count($value, LINE_FEED), count($data));

public function testNoneArgumentPassedToJoinedByLineFeed(): void
    $value = Formatter::joinedByLineFeed();


    self::assertStringNotContainsString(LINE_FEED, $value);

    self::assertTrue(strlen($value) == 0);

小技巧: 在测试用例上,使用了PHP7的变长函数参数特性,透传给了被测试函数(不一定是个好方案),姑且先这样测试,后续再说。

Formatter::ksort 字典序排列数组


 * Sort an array by key with `SORT_FLAG_CASE | SORT_NATURAL` flag.
 * @param array<string, string|int> $thing - The input array.
 * @return array<string, string|int> - The sorted array.
public static function ksort(array $thing = []): array
    ksort($thing, SORT_FLAG_CASE | SORT_NATURAL);

    return $thing;

知识点: PHPSORT_NATURAL 是按自然序排序,让我们用测试用例来感受一下:

public function ksortByFlagNaturePhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => '3', 'aa' => '2'],
            ['a' => '1', 'aa' => '2', 'b' => '3'],
            ['rfc1' => '1', 'b' => '4', 'rfc822' => '2', 'rfc2086' => '3'],
            ['b' => '4', 'rfc1' => '1', 'rfc822' => '2', 'rfc2086' => '3'],

 * @dataProvider ksortByFlagNaturePhrasesProvider
public function testKsort(array $thing, array $excepted): void
    self::assertEquals(Formatter::ksort($thing), $excepted);

public function nativeKsortPhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => '3', 'aa' => '2'],
            ['a' => '1', 'aa' => '2', 'b' => '3'],
            ['rfc1' => '1', 'b' => '4', 'rfc822' => '2', 'rfc2086' => '3'],
            ['b' => '4', 'rfc1' => '1', 'rfc2086' => '3', 'rfc822' => '2'],

 * @dataProvider nativeKsortPhrasesProvider
public function testNativeKsort(array $thing, array $excepted): void
    self::assertEquals($thing, $excepted);

差异点就在于,对于字符串+数字序列的键值,自然排序是rfc1, rfc822, rfc2086,默认排序是rfc1, rfc2086, rfc822,理论上,这个和官方的字典序排序是不完全一样的,待后续观察。

Formatter::queryStringLike 数组转字符串


 * Like `queryString` does but without the `sign` and `empty value` entities.
 * @param array<string, string|int|null> $thing - The input array.
 * @return string - The `key=value` pair string whose joined by `&` char.
public static function queryStringLike(array $thing = []): string
    $data = [];

    foreach ($thing as $key => $value) {
        if ($key === 'sign' || is_null($value) || $value === '') {
        $data[] = implode('=', [$key, $value]);

    return implode('&', $data);



 * @dataProvider nativeKsortPhrasesProvider
public function testNativeKsort(array $thing, array $excepted): void
    self::assertEquals($thing, $excepted);

public function queryStringLikePhrasesProvider(): array
    return [
        'none specific chars' => [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => '3', 'aa' => '2'],
        'has `sign` key' => [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => '3', 'sign' => '2'],
        'has `empty` value' => [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => '3', 'c' => ''],
        'has `null` value' => [
            ['a' => '1', 'b' => null, 'c' => '2'],
        'mixed `sign` key, `empty` and `null` values' => [
            ['bob' => '1', 'alice' => null, 'tom' => '', 'sign' => 'mock'],

 * @dataProvider queryStringLikePhrasesProvider
public function testQueryStringLike(array $thing, string $excepted): void
    $value = Formatter::queryStringLike($thing);
    self::assertEquals($value, $excepted);


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