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有待于微信支付APIv3良好的接口设计,让基于getter模型构建可弹性扩容的SDK成为可能。RFC3986 已经规范化了 HTTP 协议,我们将要操作的API资源以及方法,均在规范范围之内,基于此,让我们来设计一款符合规范的SDK。

  1. URI 是要操作的资源标识,通过斜线/(slash)对实体做了分割;
  3. URI 是可变化的,将要实施的SDK应该具备随 URI 伸缩而弹性扩容或者缩容功能;


很早就内置在 javascript 内核中的 Proxy 是一款好东西,详细介绍可参考 MDN ,这里不详述。我们回溯在18年中就已经实践过用 Proxy 来代理了基于 Hessian2WebService,使二进制协议可以转换成了 JSON RPC,至今稳定运行且持续提供服务中。对于微信支付APIv3来说,我们少了一层协议转换,却多了一层资源弹性扩缩容功能,这个难度不是一丢丢,相当于要重新设计之前的设计。

#1 URI转换成javascript资源对象

这个相对来说,最简单,只须按照 URL.pathname 去掉开头斜线,中间部分按斜线分割就好,每个分割后的字符串,记之为实体Entity,例如

/v3/ecommerce/profitsharing/orders 即分割成 v3 ecommerce profitsharing orders 4个实体,依次序即构成各个实体对象标识即 v3.ecommerce.profitsharing.orders .

#2 对javscript资源对象绑定 HTTP METHODs

按照HTTP协议,从暴露出的根级开始,客户端均可以发起 GET POST PATCH DELETE 等请求。那么按照 #1 的拆分方法,串型的每一级实体,实际均须绑定上这些 METHODs,还好微信支付APIv3多见 GETPOST请求,那么每一级对象实体,就包含有至少这两个方法;


另外,微信支付APIv3的URI 中的实体资源标识,存在中线(- dash)分割单词的情形,虽然javascript对象可以按照属性方式进行获取,然则不好看呐。。。这里要做少许约定,即对中线分割的单词,可以按照驼峰式(camelCase)进行单词组合,这样就使资源实体紧凑化了;

#3 随URI弹性扩容javascript实体资源对象

这是本类库的精华部分之一了,类似其他开发语言一样,javascript中的 Object对象,均含有 gettersetter ,详细介绍可翻 MDN, 这里不垒述。这里我们结合使用 Proxy 类,对每个URI实体对象绑定代理上一个getter方法,这样就无限可扩容本SDK要操作的实体资源标识。


  1. 请求 URI 作为级联对象,可以轻松构建请求对象,例如 /v3/pay/transactions/native 即自然翻译成 v3.pay.transactions.native;
  2. 每个 URI 所支持的 HTTP METHOD,即作为 请求对象的末尾执行方法,例如: v3.pay.transactions.native.post({});
  3. 每个 URI 有中线(dash)分隔符的,可以使用驼峰camelCase风格书写,例如: merchant-service可写成 merchantService,或者属性风格,例如 v3['merchant-service'];
  4. 每个 URI.pathname 中,若有动态参数,例如 business_code/{business_code} 可写成 business_code.$business_code$ 或者属性风格书写,例如 business_code['{business_code}'],抑或直接按属性风格,直接写参数值也可以,例如 business_code['2000001234567890'];
  5. 建议 URI 按照 PascalCase 风格书写, TS Definition 已在路上(还有若干问题没解决),将是这种风格,代码提示将会很自然;

All of the remote’s URI.pathname is mapping as the SDK’s Object which contains the HTTP get post and upload (named for multipart/form-data) methods. Specially, while the Object(named as container) with dynamic veriable parameter(s) (uri_template), those may be transformed by the container’s withEntities method.

With this style, the following conversions should be known:

  1. Each of the URI, eg: /v3/pay/transactions/native is mapping to v3.pay.transactions.native;
  2. Each of the URI’s HTTP METHOD,are mapping to the container’s executor, eg: v3.pay.transactions.native.post({});
  3. While the URI contains the dash-split-words, the entity can be wrote as camelCase style, eg: merchant-service to merchantService or by the Object.property’s style as v3['merchant-service'];
  4. While the URI contains the dynamic_veriable_parameter, eg: business_code/{business_code}, it can be business_code.$business_code$ or business_code['{business_code}'] or directly replaced with actual value eg: business_code['2000001234567890'];
  5. Recommend writing the URI entities with PascalCase style. Because the TS Definition is on the road, those shall be this style;
const axios = require('axios')
const interceptor = require('./interceptor')

 * A Wechatpay APIv3's amazing client.
 * ```js
 * const {Wechatpay} = require('wechatpay-axios-plugin')
 * const wxpay = new Wechatpay({
 *   mchid,
 *   serial,
 *   privateKey: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----' + '...' + '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----',
 *   certs: {
 *     'serial_number': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----'
 *   }
 * })
 * wxpay.V3.Marketing.Busifavor.Stocks.post({})
 *   .then(({data}) => console.info(data))
 *   .catch(({response: {data}}) => console.error(data))
 * wxpay.V3.Pay.Transactions.Native.post({})
 *   .then(({data: {code_url}}) => console.info(code_url))
 *   .catch(({response: {data}}) => console.error(data))
 * ;(async () => {
 *   try {
 *     const {data: detail} = await wxpay.V3.Pay.Transactions.Id.$transaction_id$
 *       .withEntities({transaction_id: '1217752501201407033233368018'})
 *       .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}})
 *     // or simple like this
 *     // const {data: detail} = await wxpay.V3.Pay.Transactions.Id['{transaction_id}']
 *     //   .withEntities({transaction_id: '1217752501201407033233368018'})
 *     //   .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}})
 *     // or simple like this
 *     // const {data: detail} = await wxpay.v3.pay.transactions.id['121775']
 *     //   .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}})
 *     console.info(detail)
 *   } catch({response: {status, statusText, data}}) {
 *     console.error(status, statusText, data)
 *   }
 * })()
 * ```
class Wechatpay {
   * @property {import('axios').AxiosInstance} client - The axios instance
  static client;

   * @property {RegExp} URI_ENTITY - The URI entity which's split by slash
  static URI_ENTITY = /^\{([^\}]+)\}$/;

   * Compose the `URL`.pathname based on the container's entities
   * @param {array} entities - Each `container` of `entities`
   * @returns {string} - The `URL`.pathname
  static pathname(entities = []) {
    return `/${entities.join('/')}`

   * Normalize the `str` by the rules:
   *  `PascalCase` -> `camelCase`
   * & `camelCase` -> `camel-case`
   * & `$dynamic$` -> `{dynamic}`
   * @param {string} str - The string waiting for normalization
   * @returns {string} - The transformed string
  static normalize(str) {
    return (str || '')
      // PascalCase` to `camelCase`
      .replace(/^[A-Z]/, w => w.toLowerCase())
      // `camelCase` to `camel-case`
      .replace(/[A-Z]/g, w => `-${w.toLowerCase()}`)
      // `$dynamic_variable$` to `{dynamic_variable}`
      .replace(/^\$/, `{`).replace(/\$$/, `}`)

   * @property {object} container - Client side the URIs' entity mapper
  static container = {
     * @property {string[]} entities - The URI entities
    entities: [],

     * @property {function} withEntities - Replace the `uri` with real entities' value
     * @param {string[]} list - The real entities' mapping
     * @returns {object} - the container's instance
    withEntities: function(list) {
      this.entities.forEach((one, index, src) => {
        if (Wechatpay.URI_ENTITY.test(one)) {
          const sign = one.replace(Wechatpay.URI_ENTITY, `$1`)
          src[index] = list[sign] ? list[sign] : one

      return this

     * @property {function} get - The alias of the HTTP `GET` request
     * @param {...any} arg - The request arguments
     * @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
    get: async function(...arg) {
      return Wechatpay.client.get(Wechatpay.pathname(this.entities), ...arg)

     * @property {function} post - The alias of the HTTP `POST` request
     * @param {...any} arg - The request arguments
     * @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
    post: async function(...arg) {
      return Wechatpay.client.post(Wechatpay.pathname(this.entities), ...arg)

     * @property {function} upload - The alias of the HTTP 'multipart/form-data' request
     * @param {...any} arg - The request arguments
     * @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
    upload: async function(...arg) {
      //TODO: wrap the FormData and define the headers['content-type']
      return this.post(...arg)

   * @property {object} handler - Handler of the container instance's `getter`
  static handler = {
     * @property {function} get - Object's `getter` handler
     * @param {object} target - The object
     * @param {string} property - The property
     * @returns {object} - An object or object's property
    get: (target, property) => {
      if (!property || typeof property === `symbol` || property === `inspect`) {
        return target
      if (!(property in target)) {
        target[property] = new Proxy({...Wechatpay.container}, Wechatpay.handler)
        if (`entities` in target) {
          target[property].entities = [...target.entities, Wechatpay.normalize(property)]

      return target[property]

   * Constructor of the magic APIv3 container
   * @param {object} wxpayConfig - @see {apiConfig}
   * @param {object} axiosConfig - @see {import('axios').AxiosRequestConfig}
   * @constructor
   * @returns {Proxy} - The magic APIv3 container
  	wxpayConfig = {},
  	axiosConfig = {baseURL: 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com'}
  ) {
    Wechatpay.client = Wechatpay.client
      || interceptor(axios.create(axiosConfig), wxpayConfig)

    return new Proxy({...Wechatpay.container}, Wechatpay.handler)


以上,已随 wechatpay-axios-plugin npm包,开源在GitHub上,喜欢就给点个 Star 吧。

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