[Golang] Draggable (Movable) Element by GopherJS

 2 years ago
source link: http://siongui.github.io/2016/01/17/go-draggable-movable-element-by-gopherjs/
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Source Code

First we write a simple HTML for our demo:

index.html | repository | view raw

<!doctype html>
  <title>Golang Draggable (Movable) Element</title>
  <div id="dragMe" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background: yellow;">Drag Me</div>
<script src="demo.js"></script>

The basic idea is that we bind onmousedown event handler to the draggable element. In the onmousedown event handler, we bind onmousemove and onmouseup event handler to document object. In the onmousemove event handler, we calculate the movement and change the CSS property of the draggable element to make it move. In the onmouseup event handler, we remove the onmousemove and onmouseup event handler from document object.

draggable.go | repository | view raw

package main

import "github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/js"
import "honnef.co/go/js/dom"
import "strconv"

func draggable(elm *dom.HTMLDivElement) {
	var startX, startY, initialMouseX, initialMouseY int
	var fmove, fup func(*js.Object)
	elm.Style().SetProperty("position", "absolute", "")
	d := dom.GetWindow().Document()

	mousemove := func(event dom.Event) {
		e := event.(*dom.MouseEvent)
		dx := e.ClientX - initialMouseX
		dy := e.ClientY - initialMouseY
		elm.Style().SetProperty("top", strconv.Itoa(startY+dy)+"px", "")
		elm.Style().SetProperty("left", strconv.Itoa(startX+dx)+"px", "")

	mouseup := func(event dom.Event) {
		d.RemoveEventListener("mousemove", false, fmove)
		d.RemoveEventListener("mouseup", false, fup)

	elm.AddEventListener("mousedown", false, func(event dom.Event) {
		e := event.(*dom.MouseEvent)
		startX = int(elm.OffsetLeft())
		startY = int(elm.OffsetTop())
		initialMouseX = e.ClientX
		initialMouseY = e.ClientY
		fmove = d.AddEventListener("mousemove", false, mousemove)
		fup = d.AddEventListener("mouseup", false, mouseup)

func main() {

Compile the Go code to JavaScript by:

$ gopherjs build draggable.go -o demo.js

Put demo.js together with the index.html in the same directory. Open the index.html with your browser, and start to drag the element in the browser!

Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 15.10, Go 1.5.3.

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