[Golang] Compare the Size of Two Files

 2 years ago
source link: http://siongui.github.io/2018/04/08/go-compare-size-of-two-files/
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[Golang] Compare the Size of Two Files

April 08, 2018

This post shows how to check if the size of two files is the same. Use os.Stat [2] to read information (os.FileInfo) of file and check if the size is the same.

import (

func isFileSameSize(path1, path2 string) (sameSize bool, err error) {
      f1, err := os.Stat(path1)
      if err != nil {
      f2, err := os.Stat(path2)
      if err != nil {
      sameSize = (f1.Size() == f2.Size())

Tested on: Ubuntu Linux 17.10, Go 1.10


Author: Siong-Ui Te Category: Go

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