Dependency parsing for a low-resource language (Tagalog)

 2 years ago
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Dependency parsing for a low-resource language (Tagalog)

Apr 24, 2022 • LJ MIRANDA | 14 min read (2490 words)  

Dependency parsing is one of the most crucial tasks in natural language processing. It allows us to formally understand the structure and meaning of a sentence based on the relationship of its words. In this blogpost, I’ll talk about how we can train and evaluate a parser for a low-resource language like Tagalog, my native language.

Parsing a sentence requires us to identify its head and dependents. The head is usually the most important word, while the dependents exist just to modify it. Take this sentence, “That girl is my sister,” for example:

  • Each arrow represents the dependencies between words and how they’re related, i.e., X is $RELATION of Y (e.g., det for determiner, poss for possessive, nsubj for nominal topic).
  • The most important word in this sentence is girl. All other words are optional; they only exist to modify this essential word. I can leave the other bits out and just say “That girl,” and it will still refer to the same subject.

You can do a lot of things with this information. For example, you can use the dependency tree to hint a named-entity recognition (NER) model where the noun phrases are. In sentiment analysis, you can use the head and its modifiers to get a good idea of a text’s overall polarity. In search, you can use the parsed tree to improve the ranking of results. You can always see a dependency parser as part of an NLP pipeline or as a main component of an NLP application.

On treebanks and low-resource languages

As cool as they may be, training a dependency parser requires a lot of annotated data. They’re usually in the form of treebanks, and one of their largest inventories is the Universal Dependencies (UD) project. However, not all languages have the same amount of labeled information. Low-resource languages (LRL) often get the shorter end of the stick in terms of data availability and volume.

For Tagalog, you only have two choices for treebanks: TRG1 (Schachtner and Otanes, 1983 and Samson, S., 2020) and Ugnayan (Aquino and de Leon, 2020). The former contains 128 sentences and 734 tokens, while the latter has 94 sentences and 1011 tokens. It’s not much especially when you compare them to some English treebanks like Atis or ESL, with almost 50x the amount of tokens than us.2

Treebank Sentences Tokens Source Label Information TRG 128 734 Tagalog Reference Grammar Lemmas, UPOS, Features, Relations Ugnayan 94 1011 DepEd Learning Resource Portal Lemmas, UPOS, Relations

This then begs the question: how can we reliably train and evaluate a model from a low-resource language?

  • For training, it seems that it’s possible to train a parser and get decent accuracy with just about 100 sentences (Nivre, et al, 2017), so we’ll stick with the treebanks that we have. We will use spaCy’s default training configuration which you can find in this repository.
  • For evaluation, we’ll perform both monolingual and cross-lingual checks for our data. The first entails a simple 10-fold cross-validation for our model (as recommended by the UD guide), while the latter involves a pseudo-transfer learning approach where we train a parser from a larger language model with the Tagalog treebank as our test set.

My overall goal is to demonstrate that it’s possible to create a decent Tagalog dependency parser with the amount of data that we had, and highlight the gaps that keep us from achieving the same level of information density as other languages.

Training a dependency parser using spaCy

A Universal Dependencies (UD) treebank follows a specific format. For each sentence, you’d usually find something like this:

# sent_id = schachter-otanes-60-0
# text = Gumising ang bata.
# text_en = The child awoke.
1	Gumising	gising	VERB	_	Aspect=Perf|Mood=Ind|Voice=Act	0	root	_	Gloss=awakened
2	ang	ang	ADP	_	Case=Nom	3	case	_	Gloss=the
3	bata	bata	NOUN	_	_	1	nsubj	_	Gloss=child|SpaceAfter=No
4	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	1	punct	_	_

These annotations are packaged in a .conllu file format which you can open using any text editor. With spaCy, we can easily parse this into a Python object that can be programmatically manipulated:

python -m spacy convert path/to/annotations.conllu path/to/save/ \
    --converter conllu
    --n-sents 1

You might notice that for the Tagalog annotations, we only have a test set, i.e., the files were named as tl_trg-ud-test and tl_ugnayan-ud-test. This is the recommended split by the Universal Dependencies project, and is a common scenario for low-resource languages.

“If you have less than 20k words. Option A: Keep everything as test data. Users will > have to do 10-fold cross-validation if they want to train on it.” (UD: Data Release Checklist)

There are many frameworks available for training,3 but we’ll use spaCy to do the job. We will be using the config and project system because I personally find it to be convenient and easy. You can find the full project in this Github repository.

spaCy has an opinionated pipeline for training a dependency parser, and much of it hinges from a token-to-vector model (Tok2Vec) composed of an embedding and CNN network. The tagger, morphologizer, and parser all listen to this Tok2Vec model. It’s possible to replace this Tok2Vec model with a Transformer-based one, but for the purposes of this blogpost, we’ll use the default option. If you want to learn more about this listener-pattern, I highly recommend looking at the developer docs.

Figure: spaCy pipeline design (Source: spaCy website)

If you are using this spaCy project, then you can train the parser by running spacy project run [name] until the train command. This trains two dependency parsers for each treebank. You can even see the full training configuration in this file.

Lastly, you should be able to see the trained models in the /training/${treebank}/model-best directory. You can access this similar to how you access other spaCy models:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("training/UD_Tagalog-TRG/model-best")
text = "Nakakain ka na ba?"  # TN: Have you eaten?
doc = nlp(text)

From this, we can use displaCy to visualize the dependencies for a given text:

from spacy import displacy

displacy.render(doc, style="dep")  # https://localhost:5000

(transl.) Have you eaten?

Let’s try it out to other sentences outside the training set):

(transl.): You don’t have to ask me anymore.

It checks out! And note that we’re just using a small number of sentences (almost a hundred) to train this parser. Of course, we’re not in candy land, and there are a few sentences where our parser doesn’t perform well:

(transl.): Look into my eyes, can’t you see?

In this example, words like mata (eye/eyes) and aking (my) were incorrectly tagged. The former is supposed to be a noun while the latter should be a pronoun. But it’s quite interesting that aside from those two words, our parser is already decent enough.

Of course, we want a better way to evaluate this model instead of trying out random sentences.4 In the next section, we’ll be doing both monolingual and cross-lingual evaluation for our two models. This should give us an insight not only of our models, but of our treebanks as well.

Monolingual and cross-lingual evaluation

To assess our treebanks, we will perform both monolingual and cross-lingual evaluation:

  • Monolingual evaluation: we will do 10-fold cross validation for our model then report the average across all metrics. For fun, I’m also going to check how well a model trained from another treebank performs on another (and vice-versa).
  • Cross-lingual evaluation: using a certain metric, we will identify five (5) languages that are typologically similar to Tagalog and have bigger treebanks. We will train a model for each foreign treebank, and use TRG and Ugnayan as test sets.

As for our metrics, we’ll measure the following:

  • TOKEN_ACC: the accuracy of the tokenizer, i.e., how well it can determine the correct tokens of a given text.
  • POS_ACC: the accuracy of the token attributes.
  • MORPH_ACC: the overall accuracy of our morphologizer based on the Universal Dependencies FEATS format.
  • DEP_UAS / DEP_LAS: the accuracy of the dependency parser. The former is the unlabeled attachment score while the latter is called the labeled attachment score (Nivre and Fang, 2017).

It pays to measure other attributes of our model even if we’re only concerned with dependency parsing. I didn’t bother that much with NER because I have a hunch that it won’t perform well given the size of our data.

Monolingual evaluation

I performed 10-fold cross validation for both the TRG and Ugnayan datasets. I was also curious as to how each model will perform on the other dataset, so I trained a model for one and used the other as a test set.

TOKEN_ACC POS_ACC MORPH_ACC TAG_ACC DEP_UAS DEP_LAS Ugnayan 0.998 0.819 0.995 0.810 0.667 0.409 TRG 1.000 0.843 0.749 0.833 0.846 0.554

TOKEN_ACC POS_ACC MORPH_ACC TAG_ACC DEP_UAS DEP_LAS TRG on Ugnayan 0.997 0.563 0.364 0.538 0.472 0.240 Ugnayan on TRG 1.000 0.789 0.424 0.779 0.793 0.572

TRG, as a treebank, performs well in most metrics compared to Ugnayan. However, it’s interesting that you can train a pretty decent model with the latter. You can explore these models using the demo below.

Cross-lingual evaluation

For cross-lingual evaluation, I trained a model from a different language, and used our Tagalog treebanks as their test set. My criteria for choosing these languages are the following: they should be (1) closer to Tagalog, and (2) must have a decent amount of data (not low-resource).

For the former, I used a distance metric to identify languages that are typologically similar to Tagalog (Agić, 2017).5 In this case, these are Indonesian (id), Vietnamese (vi), Romanian (ro), Ukranian (uk), and Catalan (ca).

Next, I went to their UD repositories, and checked if they have existing training and evaluation datasets. Fortunately, all of them do, so I went ahead and trained a model to parse our Tagalog treebanks. The results are interesting: token accuracy is good, but the tagger and parser accuracy leaves a lot to be desired.

TRG Treebank

TOKEN_ACC POS_ACC MORPH_ACC TAG_ACC DEP_UAS DEP_LAS id-gsd 1.000 0.374 0.320 0.000 0.342 0.151 vi-vtb 1.000 0.306 0.423 0.000 0.309 0.143 ro-rrt 0.999 0.392 0.198 0.000 0.304 0.098 uk-iu 1.000 0.185 0.177 0.000 0.539 0.188 ca-ancora 0.999 0.284 0.057 0.015 0.261 0.081

Ugnayan Treebank

TOKEN_ACC POS_ACC MORPH_ACC TAG_ACC DEP_UAS DEP_LAS id-gsd 0.997 0.310 0.803 0.000 0.251 0.058 vi-vtb 0.997 0.256 0.986 0.000 0.199 0.049 ro-rrt 0.992 0.332 0.275 0.000 0.279 0.085 uk-iu 0.998 0.151 0.123 0.000 0.300 0.084 ca-ancora 0.994 0.267 0.301 0.025 0.242 0.041

What’s surprising though is how the Indonesian and Vietnamese morphologizers performed well in Ugnayan. Perhaps, it may be due to them belonging to the same Austronesian language family as Tagalog? You can explore these models using the demo below.

Streamlit demo

Here is a web demo of the dependency parser and POS tagger for all the Tagalog and foreign models. You can type in any Tagalog sentence, and it will give you the parsed information in a handy viz.

Note that sometimes, the “Collapse phrases” option errors out when there is no noun chunker implementation in the language. This is expected so ignore that for now. Of course, you can also improve spaCy’s language support by implementing noun chunkers in those languages.


In this blogpost, we explored how to train and evaluate a dependency parser for a low-resource language like Tagalog. We also learned that:

  • Dependency parsers allow us to understand the structure and meaning of sentences via the connection of their words. These relationships can then be used for several downstream tasks in natural language processing.
  • One can use a treebank to train a dependency parser. Universal Dependencies (UD) serves as a good repository for such.With spaCy, it is easier and convenient to parse and train from these datasets.
  • Low-resource languages are too small that in UD, they’re only delegated as a “test set.” Nevertheless, we can still evaluate parsers from these treebanks via k-fold cross validation, or by comparing it to larger foreign models.

While doing this project, I realized how much work is left to improve linguistic analysis of Tagalog. Of course, the easiest thing to say is that “we need more data,” but annotating and labelling treebanks requires domain-expertise.6 If you’ve been using spaCy, then you might also want to write a noun chunker that extracts base noun phrases from the parser. True enough, a large part of this endeavor involves gritty work.

If you’re interested to see the code and datasets used in this project, then feel free to head over the Github repository.


  • Željko, A.Cross-lingual Parser Selection for Low-Resource Languages. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies, pages 1-10, Gothenburg, Sweden, Association for Computational Lingustics.
  • Aquino, A. and de Leon, F. Parsing in the absence of related languages: Evaluating low-resource dependency parsers on Tagalog. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshoup on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2020), pages 8-15, ACL.
  • Dryer, M. and Haspelmath, M.The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig.
  • Lui, M. and Baldwin, T.langid.py: An Off-theShelf Language Identification Tool. In: Proceedings of the ACL 2012 System Demonstrations, pages 25-30, Jeju Island, Korea. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Nivre, J., Zeman, D., Ginter F., Tyers, F. Tutorial on Universal Dependencies: Adding a new language to UD. Presented at the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017.
  • Nivre, J. and Fang C-T. Universal Dependency Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies, pages 86-95, Gothenburg, Sweden. Association for Computational Linguistics
  • Schachter, P. and Otanes, F.Tagalog Reference Grammar. University of California Press, 1983.


  1. This treebank got its name from Tagalog Reference Grammar (TRG) by Schachter and Otanes. Most of the texts in the TRG treebank were lifted from this source. 

  2. And we’re just talking about Universal Dependencies treebanks for English. In the Linguistic Data Consortium inventory, you have the Penn treebank and OntoNotes with almost more than a million words each! 

  3. Other toolkits for dependency parsing include UDPipe (which in my research is only available to R), and Stanford Stanza’s depparse pipeline

  4. Aside from the first sentence, the last two were song lyrics from a band called Eraserheads. The first one came from the song Huwag mo nang Itanong, while the second came from Alapaap. I definitely botched the translations so I’m sorry for that! 

  5. It’s based on the Language Identification (LangID) tool of Lui and Baldwin (2012), combined with some of the features in the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013). 

  6. Not to mention that these data sources should have commercially-friendly licenses: you’d want to avoid texts with copyright, etc. 

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