Release code diffs

 2 years ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client

Published October 26, 2020 #packagemangers, #npm, #bundler, #git

When tracking and upgrading software you want to have an idea of what changed. Looking at the readme is helpful, and projects that keep a changelog are polite and friendly, but it's nice to actually get down to it and see what the changes actually are.

Loading the repo and finding the tags

We first need to look at where the code is from. In looking at gemfiles we found how to see what gem you are currently working with, and in looking and package.json we did the same for npm. The logic in the same once we have

  1. Original tag

  2. New tag

For testing purposes, we are assuming that you've pulled this information out from your package manager and we know that

PackagemiddlemanRepositoryhttps://github.com/middleman/middlemanOriginal Version4.3.3New version4.3.9

We'll start by cloning or updating the repo into a directory. In this case, the repo will go into /tmp/middleman/repo. Our analysis will go in /tmp/middleman.

  require 'pp'



  def load_repo repo
    dir = repo.gsub( /.*\//, "" )
    repo_dir = "#{WORKDIR}/#{dir}/repo"

    if File.exists? repo_dir
      system( "cd #{repo_dir};git pull origin master" )
      system( "mkdir -p #{WORKDIR}/#{dir}" )
      system( "cd #{WORKDIR}/#{dir};git clone #{repo} repo" )


  repo_dir = load_repo( repo )

  puts "Repo directory: #{repo_dir}"
Repo directory: /tmp/middleman/repo

Now that we have the repo, we need to find the tags in the project. We'll pull down a list of all the tags in the project.

  latest_tags = `cd #{repo_dir};git tag --sort=-v:refname`.lines.collect { |x| x.chomp }

  puts "latest_tag : #{latest_tags.first}"
latest_tag : v5.0.0.rc.1


Lets parse the tags to see if they are version numbers, if they are prereleases, and be able to tell if there is a high patch version that matches our criteria.

  require 'bundler/inline'

  gemfile do
    source 'https://rubygems.org'
    gem 'semver2', '3.4.2', require: 'semver'

  tag_info = latest_tags.collect { |tag| SemVer.parse_rubygems tag }

We can filter through the versions to find only those without any prerelease info (like .rc.1 or .beta-2 that are canditidate releases) and print out what the current latest is:

  releases = tag_info.select { |x| x.prerelease == "" }
  puts "latest_release : #{releases.first}"
latest_release : v4.3.10

Now we can write some methods to match our versions to tags:

  def find_tag tag_info, latest_tags, version_string
    version = SemVer.parse_rubygems version_string
    tag_info.each_with_index do |tag, idx|
      if tag == version
        return latest_tags[idx]


  current_tag = find_tag tag_info, latest_tags, current_version
  new_tag = find_tag tag_info, latest_tags, new_version

  if current_tag.nil?
    puts "Couldn't find current_version #{current_version}"

  if new_tag.nil?
    puts "Couldn't find new_version #{new_version}"

  if current_tag.nil? || new_tag.nil?
    exit 1

  puts "current_tag: #{current_tag}"
  puts "new_tag    : #{new_tag}"
current_tag: v4.3.3
new_tag    : v4.3.9

We can also look to see what is the latest patch release for the same major and minor version that we're running. According to semver standards – and it's not totally clear how strictly these are followed or even if they make sense – patch releases should be bug fixes only and totally compatible.

  def find_latest_patch tag_info, version_string
    version = SemVer.parse_rubygems version_string

    tag_info.each do |tag|
      return tag if tag.major == version.major && tag.minor = version.minor


  highest_patch = find_latest_patch tag_info, new_tag
  puts "most compatible patch: #{highest_patch}"
most compatible patch: v4.3.10

Change information

Now that we have identified the tags, we can start to ask questions about what happened between those two results. We'll use the git log command, which is amazingly powerful and super cool.

Super cool. You heard me.

These are the formatting options that we'll be using:

OptionDescription%aICommit time%hHash%aeAuthor email%anAuthor name%sSummary

We're going to output a log of the changes that happened between the tags. We'll have to do some crazy regex to pull out the fields.

  git_cmd = "git log --reverse --pretty='format:%aI|%h|%ae|%an|%s' #{current_tag}..#{new_tag}"

  commits = `cd #{repo_dir};#{git_cmd}`.lines.collect do |x|
    md = /(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\|(.*)/.match( x )
    { date: md[1], hash: md[2], email: md[3], name: md[4], summary: md[5] }

  puts "Most recent change: #{commits.first[:date]}"
  puts "Oldest change     : #{commits.last[:date]}"
Most recent change: 2018-01-20T08:26:10+09:00
Oldest change     : 2020-09-09T14:06:57-07:00

We can can calculate how many days have passed bewteen the releases like so

require 'time'
oldest = Time.parse( commits.first[:date] )
newest = Time.parse( commits.last[:date] )
days_passed = (newest - oldest) / (60 * 60 * 24) # Seconds in a day

puts "Days passed : #{days_passed}"
Days passed : 963.9033217592593

Which is a bit unnecessarily precise but gives you a sense of all the years that have gone by.


A lot of projects put a ticket number in the commit, in the format of #nnn where n is an integer. For projects that use Jira, these are generally three letters, a dash, and a number, but either way they start with a #. So lets print out those issues that we find in the commit summary messages.

issues = commits.collect do |commit|
  md = /\#([^\s\)\]]*)/.match( commit[:summary] )
  md ? md[1] : nil
end.select { |x| x }.sort

pp issues

Which gives us:

["2083", "2143", "2287", "2316", "2323", "2327", "2348"]

From here we could try and figure out what issue tracker this repository is using, and then cross reference that to see what has been going on.

In the case of this repository we see in .github/CONTRIBUTING.md that it uses GitHub Issues which is pretty common and popular for GitHub hosted projects, and not like shocking or anything.

A brief excursion into the CHANGELOG

The commit messages are semi automated, and if you look at the keeping a changelog site they recommend against dumping in commit messages directly. Lets try and parse out the changelog in the repo to see if we are missing any other issues or interesting things.

This is a fairly straightforward way to "parse" this file, but since it's freeform we don't know if many projects support it. This works as a quick scaffold now though.

  changes = {}

  if File.exists? "#{repo_dir}/CHANGELOG.md"
    scan_version = nil
    entries = []
    headline_re = /\#{1,3} (.*)/

    File.read( "#{repo_dir}/CHANGELOG.md" ).each_line do |line|
      md = headline_re.match( line )
      if md
        if current_version && entries.length > 0
          changes[scan_version] = entries
          entries = []
        scan_version = md[1]
      elsif line != ""
        entries << line

    if current_version && entries.length > 0
      changes[scan_version] = entries

  if changes[new_version]
    puts "Found change log for #{new_version}"
     puts "No entry for #{new_version}"

  if changes[current_version]
    puts "Found change log for #{current_version}"
   puts "No entry for #{current_version}"

Which yields:

No entry for 4.3.9
Found change log for 4.3.3

So not that useful in this case.

Seeing the authors

Using the CLI

One thing you can do with regular (awesome) git cli is something called git shortlog which shows you a rolled up version of commits by authors. Here I'm using -n which sorts by author commits.

cd /tmp/middleman/repo
git shortlog -n v4.3.3..v4.3.9

And we can see that Thomas Reynolds seems to have done most of the maintence work.

Thomas Reynolds (13):
      Bump minor
      Lock old bundler
      Disable bind test on travis
      Update changelog [ci skip]
      Add Ruby 2.7.0 to CI
      Prepare 4.3.6
      Disable therubyracer
      Prep release
      Update changelog
      Fix #2083
      Prep 4.3.9

Alexey Vasiliev (1):
      Update kramdown to avoid CVE-2020-14001 in v4 (#2348)

Johnny Shields (1):
      Fix ignore of I18n files (#2143)

Julik Tarkhanov (1):
      Reset Content-Length header when rewriting (#2316)

Leigh McCulloch (1):
      Loosen activesupport dependence (#2327)

Maarten (1):
      Fix i18n with anchor v4 (#2287)

bravegrape (1):
      Add empty image alt tag if alt text not specified (#2323)

We can also include -s to show the summary only, in other words doesn't include the commit one liner.

cd /tmp/middleman/repo
git shortlog -n -s v4.3.3..v4.3.9
    13	Thomas Reynolds
     1	Alexey Vasiliev
     1	Johnny Shields
     1	Julik Tarkhanov
     1	Leigh McCulloch
     1	Maarten
     1	bravegrape

Using code to summarize authors

We can recreate this view pretty simply:

authors = {}
commits.each do |c|
  authors[c[:name]] ||= 0
  authors[c[:name]] += 1

authors.keys.sort { |a,b| authors[b] <=> authors[a] }.each do |author|
  printf "%10d %s\n", authors[author], author
       13 Thomas Reynolds
        1 Johnny Shields
        1 Maarten
        1 Julik Tarkhanov
        1 bravegrape
        1 Leigh McCulloch
        1 Alexey Vasiliev

The sort order is slight different, but 1 is 1

Listing the files changed

Between the two versions we want to see everything that changed. We can do this using the git diff command, and pass in --numstat to see the files that changed.

cd /tmp/middleman/repo
git diff --numstat v4.3.3..v4.3.9
18	0	.devcontainer/Dockerfile
37	0	.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
4	0	.travis.yml
2	2	Gemfile
17	24	Gemfile.lock
316	315	middleman-cli/features/preview_server.feature
11	0	middleman-core/features/default_alt_tag.feature
4	0	middleman-core/features/i18n_link_to.feature
67	11	middleman-core/features/ignore.feature
5	2	middleman-core/features/liquid.feature
17	0	middleman-core/features/markdown_kramdown.feature
1	1	middleman-core/features/relative_assets.feature
1	1	middleman-core/features/relative_assets_helpers_only.feature
0	0	middleman-core/fixtures/default-alt-tags-app/config.rb
1	0	middleman-core/fixtures/default-alt-tags-app/source/empty-alt-tag.html.erb
-	-	middleman-core/fixtures/default-alt-tags-app/source/images/blank.gif
1	0	middleman-core/fixtures/default-alt-tags-app/source/meaningful-alt-tag.html.erb
2	0	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/default_helpers.rb
9	0	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/i18n.rb
5	0	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/inline_url_rewriter.rb
4	0	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/renderers/kramdown.rb
1	1	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/template_renderer.rb
1	1	middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb
1	1	middleman-core/middleman-core.gemspec
1	1	middleman/middleman.gemspec

--numstat shows you the lines of code added and deleted, and from this it looks like most of the work on the repo was in the test directory for a feature named preview server. The actual number of changes to the main source code seems pretty small, but if we want to take a look at what those changes are:

cd /tmp/middleman/repo
git diff v4.3.3..v4.3.9 '*.rb'

Which shows a huge output of the diffs of all the code files from the one tag to the other. I'll spare you from scrolling through, but if we look just at the version.rb file you can see that it shows the diffs from where you start to where you end up – in this case, from version 4.3.3 to =4.3.9.

cd /tmp/middleman/repo
git diff v4.3.3..v4.3.9 '*version.rb'
diff --git a/middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb b/middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb
index 42bc84bc..753d3c87 100644
--- a/middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb
+++ b/middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 module Middleman
   # Current Version
   # @return [String]
-  VERSION = '4.3.3'.freeze unless const_defined?(:VERSION)
+  VERSION = '4.3.9'.freeze unless const_defined?(:VERSION)

In summary

Given a Gemfile.lock or a package-lock.json we can see which version of a module you are currently running, where the code is hosted, and which is the latest version. From here we can pull down the repo, look for the tags that marked each specific version, and see who worked on it and what the overall diffs are to see exactly what code has changed. This works if the code is hosted on github, or any other giy repository.

In addition to looking at the repositories between the tags, we can also also pull in static analysis for other parts of the project. We can put the gitlog in SQLite and do further analysis.

Each of these steps needs further refinement but we've got all of the major pieces together.


About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK