Daily Coping 21 Apr 2022 | Voice of the DBA

 2 years ago
source link: https://voiceofthedba.com/2022/04/21/daily-coping-21-apr-2022/
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Daily Coping 21 Apr 2022

I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to go exploring around your local area and notice a few things.

I tend to drive the same routes all the time as live is busy. I am often focused on just getting from point A to point B rather than the journey on a regular basis.

I was in Chicago last weekend and we had the chance to ride the train from our hotel to the convention center. Part of the route is above ground, leaving the Loop, and I took time with my wife to look at the wonderful architecture and beautiful buildings of Chicago. It really is a neat city, visually. We pointed out interesting features as we went by, and loved the Roosevelt University building, where my daughter was recruited and considered attending.

One day we took a taxi and this drive too a route that cut through some neighborhoods, and I noticed how any balconies exist on buildings. Even high rises. For a city with cloudy, windy, and rainy weather, they really do take every opportunity to get outside.

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