Facebook's Fibre Optics in Nigerian State Put Africa Pivot in Focus

 2 years ago
source link: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/22/04/19/2032251/facebooks-fibre-optics-in-nigerian-state-put-africa-pivot-in-focus
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Facebook's Fibre Optics in Nigerian State Put Africa Pivot in Focus

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As Facebook/Meta faces rising pressure in west, it is investing in digital infrastructure elsewhere. From a report: When government officials in the southern Nigerian state of Edo set about radically improving poor internet access for its population of 4 million, they didn't have to look far for help. MainOne, a company responsible for laying a vast network of fibre-optic cables across west Africa, was an obvious partner. Another, perhaps less obvious one, was Facebook. A joint agreement was signed to install fibre-optic cables running across the state's capital, Benin City. Since 2019, 400km (250 miles) of cables have been laid in Edo, about a quarter via the partnership between the two companies and the government. "Obviously, Facebook isn't really a digital infrastructure company, but they invested in these cables," said Emmanuel Magnus Eweka, who worked as a senior government official for the Edo government until last September. In recent years, as Facebook has come under rising legislative pressure in the west, the company has increased its focus on Africa, particularly in countries where the regulatory and legislative environment tends to be much looser.

The combination of weak and expensive internet coverage for most of Nigeria's fast-growing population of more than 200 million people has meant that companies hoping to tap into a potential goldmine of new users -- and their data -- have sought to invest in the business of helping those potential users get online in the first place. "To make internet data more affordable, Facebook needs to build infrastructures that are almost free," Eweka said. "In fact, I'd say Facebook actually loses in terms of making money out of those cables. But then they gain it back on the user data that they will generate, and obviously that has huge potential in a country like Nigeria."

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