GitHub - gluecodes/storecle: A neat app state management and action orchestratio...

 2 years ago
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A neat uni-directional app state management for React and Solid (heart).


Storecle uses a simple mental model which lets you access app-wide actions and their results by using Context API. It consists of 4 main building blocks i.e. Store, User Actions (actions triggered by a user), Data Suppliers (actions executed prior to rendering) and Reload Types (action re-trigger groups). The actions are just functions which are implicitly bound to the Store and write their results by returning/resolving. Then, their results are accessible by their own names.

To improve the code re-usability, Data Suppliers use a middleware pattern. They are executed in the order you specify and pass a snapshot of Store from one to another, letting you split the logic into small, specified functions.

  • It works with both React and Solid (it's framework agnostic to certain degree).
  • It uses Context API and useEffect / createEffect to provide action re-triggers based on specified Store changes.
  • It facilitates splitting the business logic into granual, re-usable functions by applying a middleware pattern.
  • It simplifies naming and reduces noise by letting you access action results by their own names.
  • It provides an elegant approach to actions feeding UI with incoming data (e.g. from Web Sockets).
  • It is made to work with your IDE's code auto-completion.


I heart Redux, but it leaves plenty of room to be misused. Hence, Storecle is my proposal to let developers rely less on self-discipline and more on tooling and self-restrictive design.

  1. To provide an easy way of separating app-wide logic from views i.e.:
    • No inline: data fetches, transformers, conditionals.
    • No nested action dispatchers upon other action completion.
  2. To facilitate the action re-usability and modularization.
  3. To provide a gradual path for React developers willing to use Solid.



yarn add @gluecodes/storecle-react
npm i @gluecodes/storecle-react


yarn add @gluecodes/storecle-solid
npm i @gluecodes/storecle-solid

It works along with either React or Solid that also needs to be installed in your app. For details, see their own documentations.


This module exports 3 constructs that can be imported for a particular framework in different parts of your app.

import { builtInActions, PageProvider, useAppContext } from '@gluecodes/storecle-react'
import { builtInActions, PageProvider, useAppContext } from '@gluecodes/storecle-solid'

For the purpose of the example I used a Solid version.

Soon the official starter templates will be released. Using this library means following certain patterns which are explained below using a simple counter example.

Mental Model

See: Code Sandbox example for React.

See: Code Sandbox example for Solid.

File tree:

├── actions
│   ├── dataSuppliers (#2)
│   │   └── dataSuppliers.js
│   ├── reloadTypes.js (#4)
│   └── userActions (#3)
│       └── userActions.js
├── index.jsx (#1)
├── Layout.jsx (#5)
└── partials (#6)
    └── Counter
        └── Counter.jsx

1. Page Container

Page provider wraps a given Layout around a single app context.

  • dataSupplierPipeline - an array providing the order in which Data Suppliers are executed.
  • dataSuppliers - an object containing Data Suppliers.
  • getLayout - a function which returns the page Layout.
  • reloadTypes - an object containing Reload Types.
  • userActions - an object containing User Actions.
  • onError - a function triggered when an error is thrown either in Data Suppliers or User Actions.


import { PageProvider } from '@gluecodes/storecle-solid'

import * as dataSuppliers from './actions/dataSuppliers/dataSuppliers'
import * as userActions from './actions/userActions/userActions'
import * as reloadTypes from './actions/reloadTypes'

import Layout from './Layout.jsx'

export default () => (
    dataSupplierPipeline={[dataSuppliers.getTexts, dataSuppliers.getCounter]}
    getLayout={() => Layout}
    onError={(err) => {

2. Data Suppliers

Data suppliers provide data prior to rendering. Note the early returns which demonstrate how to resolve cached data based on Reload Type.

  • builtInActions - an object containing the following built-in User Actions:
    • onStoreChanged - a function which receives a callback to be triggered when Store changes.
    • runUserActions - a function which allows for executing multiple User Actions at once.
    • runDataSuppliers - a function which receives a Reload Type name. Note that it's exposed to ease the integration with legacy apps. Don't call it manually as Data Suppliers are implicitly reloaded based on the provided Reload Types.
  • Each Data Supplier passes two arguments: resultOf and nameOf.
    • resultOf - a function providing a result of a given Data Supplier or User Action.
    • nameOf - a function providing a name of either Data Supplier, User Action or Reload Type.
  • Data Suppliers can be either sync or async and write to a central Store by returning/resolving.


import { builtInActions } from '@gluecodes/storecle-solid'
import { reFetchCounter } from '../reloadTypes'

export function getCounter(resultOf, nameOf) {
  const reloadType = resultOf(builtInActions.runDataSuppliers)
  const shouldFetch = reloadType === 'full' || reloadType === nameOf(reFetchCounter)

  if (!shouldFetch) {
    return resultOf(getCounter)

  return global.sessionStorage.getItem('appWideCounter') || 0

export function getTexts(resultOf) {
  if (resultOf(builtInActions.runDataSuppliers) !== 'full') {
    return resultOf(getTexts)

  return {
    Click: 'Click'

3. User Actions

Actions triggered by a user.


export function incrementCounter(counter) {
  const incrementedCounter = Number(counter) + 1

  global.sessionStorage.setItem('appWideCounter', incrementedCounter)

4. Reload Types

A way to tell the app to re-run Data Suppliers based on executed User Actions.

  • A Reload Type groups User Actions together to tell the app to reload all Data Suppliers as a consequence of their execution.
  • When any of its User Actions is triggered, the app sets the Reload Type name under built-in runDataSuppliers and reloads all Data Suppliers.
  • Data Suppliers can benefit from caching by early returning their results based on Reload Type name.
  • Each Reload Type is a function which passes nameOf and returns an array of User Action names.
    • nameOf - a function providing a name of User Action.


import { incrementCounter } from './userActions/userActions'

export const reFetchCounter = (nameOf) => [nameOf(incrementCounter)]

5. Layout

Nothing else than the page layout.


import Counter from './partials/Counter/Counter.jsx'

export default () => (
    <Counter />

6. Partials

Partials are self-contained pieces of UI which have access to app state via the app context.

  • useAppContext - a function which returns an array of 3 items: resultOf, action, nameOf.
    • resultOf - a function providing a result of a given Data Supplier or User Action.
    • action - a function which triggers User Action.
    • nameOf - a function providing a name of either Data Supplier or User Action.


import { useAppContext } from '@gluecodes/storecle-solid'

import { getCounter, getTexts } from '../../actions/dataSuppliers/dataSuppliers'
import { incrementCounter } from '../../actions/userActions/userActions'

export default () => {
  const [resultOf, action] = useAppContext()

  return (
      onClick={() => {
      {resultOf(getTexts)?.Click}: {resultOf(getCounter)}


WIP, so far there is only this README.md and a project ./test/env. More docs will come with starter templates and CLI tooling.



About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK