Deploy and Manage MinIO Storage on Kubernetes

 2 years ago
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Deploy and Manage MinIO Storage on Kubernetes

MinIO is a high-performance S3 compliant distributed object storage. It is the only 100% open-source storage tool available on every public and private cloud, Kubernetes distribution, and the edge. The MinIO storage system is able to run on minimal CPU and memory resources as well as give maximum performance.

The MinIO storage is dominant in traditional object storage with several use cases like secondary storage, archiving, and data recovery. One of the main features that make it suitable for this use is its ability to overcome challenges associated with machine learning, native cloud applications workloads, and analytics.

Other amazing features associated with MinIO are:

  • Identity Management– it supports most advanced standards in identity management, with the ability to integrate with the OpenID connect compatible providers as well as key external IDP vendors.
  • Monitoring – It offers detailed performance analysis with metrics and per-operation logging.
  • Encryption – It supports multiple, sophisticated server-side encryption schemes to protect data ensuring integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity with a negligible performance overhead
  • High performance – it is the fastest object storage with the GET/PUT throughput of 325 and 165 GiB/sec respectively on just 32 nodes of NVMe.
  • Architecture – MinIO is cloud native and light weight and can also run as containers managed by external orchestration services such as Kubernetes. It is efficient to run on low CPU and memory resources and therefore allowing one to co-host a large number of tenants on shared hardware.
  • Data life cycle management and Tiering – this protects the data within and accross both public and private clouds.
  • Continuous Replication – It is designed for large scale, cross data center deployments thus curbing the challenge with traditional replication approaches that do not scale effectively beyond a few hundred TiB

By following this guide, you should be able to deploy and manage MinIO Storage clusters on Kubernetes.

This guide requires one to have a Kubernetes cluster set up. Below are dedicated guides to help you set up a Kubernetes cluster.

For this guide, I have configured 3 worker nodes and a single control plane in my cluster.

# kubectl get nodes
NAME                    STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
master1   Ready    control-plane   3m    v1.23.1+k0s
node1     Ready    <none>          60s   v1.23.1+k0s
node2     Ready    <none>          60s   v1.23.1+k0s
node3     Ready    <none>          60s   v1.23.1+k0s

Step 1 – Create a StorageClass with WaitForFirstConsumer Binding Mode.

The WaitForFirstConsumer Binding Mode will be used to assign the volumeBindingMode to a persistent volume. Create the storage class as below.

vim storageClass.yml

In the file, add the below lines.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: my-local-storage
provisioner: kubernetes.io/no-provisioner
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Create the pod.

$ kubectl create -f storageClass.yml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/my-local-storage created

Step 2 – Create Local Persistent Volume.

For this guide, we will create persistent volume on the local machines(nodes) using the storage class above.

The persistent volume will be created as below:

vim minio-pv.yml

Add the lines below to the file

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-local-pv
    storage: 10Gi
  - ReadWriteMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  storageClassName: my-local-storage
    path: /mnt/disk/vol1
      - matchExpressions:
        - key: kubernetes.io/hostname
          operator: In
          - node1

Here I have created a persistent volume on node1. Go to node1 and create the volume as below.

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/disk/$DIRNAME 
sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /mnt/disk/$DIRNAME
sudo chmod 777 /mnt/disk/$DIRNAME

Now on the master node, create the pod as below.

# kubectl create -f minio-pv.yml

Step 3 – Create a Persistent Volume Claim

Now we will create a persistent volume claim and reference it to the created storageClass.

vim minio-pvc.yml

The file will contain the below information.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  # This name uniquely identifies the PVC. This is used in deployment.
  name: minio-pvc-claim
  # Read more about access modes here: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/#access-modes
  storageClassName: my-local-storage
    # The volume is mounted as read-write by Multiple nodes
    - ReadWriteMany
    # This is the request for storage. Should be available in the cluster.
      storage: 10Gi

Create the PVC.

kubectl create -f minio-pvc.yml

At this point, the PV should be available as below:

# kubectl get pv
my-local-pv      4Gi        RWX            Retain           Available                               my-local-storage            96s

Step 4 – Create the MinIO Pod.

This is the main deployment, we will use the Minio Image and PVC created. Create the file as below:

vim Minio-Dep.yml

The file will have the below content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  # This name uniquely identifies the Deployment
  name: minio
      app: minio # has to match .spec.template.metadata.labels
    # Specifies the strategy used to replace old Pods by new ones
    # Refer: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy
    type: Recreate
        # This label is used as a selector in Service definition
        app: minio
      # Volumes used by this deployment
      - name: data
        # This volume is based on PVC
          # Name of the PVC created earlier
          claimName: minio-pvc-claim
      - name: minio
        # Volume mounts for this container
        # Volume 'data' is mounted to path '/data'
        - name: data 
          mountPath: /data
        # Pulls the latest Minio image from Docker Hub
        image: minio/minio
        - server
        - /data
        # MinIO access key and secret key
        - name: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY
          value: "minio"
        - name: MINIO_SECRET_KEY
          value: "minio123"
        - containerPort: 9000
        # Readiness probe detects situations when MinIO server instance
        # is not ready to accept traffic. Kubernetes doesn't forward
        # traffic to the pod while readiness checks fail.
            path: /minio/health/ready
            port: 9000
          initialDelaySeconds: 120
          periodSeconds: 20
        # Liveness probe detects situations where MinIO server instance
        # is not working properly and needs restart. Kubernetes automatically
        # restarts the pods if liveness checks fail.
            path: /minio/health/live
            port: 9000
          initialDelaySeconds: 120
          periodSeconds: 20

Apply the configuration file.

kubectl create -f Minio-Dep.yml

Verify if the pod is running:

# kubectl get pods
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
minio-7b555749d4-cdj47   1/1     Running   0          22s

Furthermore, the PV should be bound at this moment.

# kubectl get pv
my-local-pv   4Gi        RWX            Retain           Bound    default/minio-pvc-claim   my-local-storage            4m42s

Step 5 – Deploy the MinIO Service

We will create a service to expose port 9000. The service can be deployed as NodePort, ClusterIP, or load balancer.

Create the service file as below:

vim Minio-svc.yml

Add the lines below to the file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  # This name uniquely identifies the service
  name: minio-service
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: http
      port: 9000
      targetPort: 9000
      protocol: TCP
    # Looks for labels `app:minio` in the namespace and applies the spec
    app: minio

Apply the settings:

kubectl create -f Minio-svc.yml

Verify if the service is running:

# kubectl get svc
NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes      ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          15m
minio-service   LoadBalancer   <pending>     9000:32278/TCP   27s

Step 6 – Access the MinIO Web UI.

At this point, the MinIO service has been exposed on port 32278, proceed and access the web UI using the URL http://Node_IP:32278

Ente the set MinIO access and secret key to log in. On successful authentication, you should see the MinIO web console as below.

Create a bucket say test bucket.

Upload files to the created bucket.

The uploaded file will appear in the bucket as below.

You can as well set the bucket policy.

Step 7 – Manage MinIO using MC client

MinIO Client is a tool used to manage the MinIO Server by providing UNIX commands such as ls, rm, cat, mv, mirror, cp e.t.c. The MinIO Client is installed using binaries as below.

##For amd64
wget https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc

##For ppc64
wget https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-ppc64le/mc

Move the file to your path and make it executable:

sudo cp mc /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mc

Verify the installation.

$ mc --version
mc version RELEASE.2022-02-16T05-54-01Z

Once installed, connect to the MinIO server with the syntax.


For this guide, the command will be:

mc alias set minio minio minio123 --api S3v4

Sample Output:

Remember to specify the right port for the MinIO server. You can use the IP_address of any node on the cluster.

Once connected, list all the buckets using the command:

mc ls play minio

Sample Output:

You can list files in a bucket say test bucket with the command:

$ mc ls play minio/test
[2022-03-16 04:07:15 EDT]     0B 00000qweqwe/
[2022-03-16 05:31:53 EDT]     0B 000tut/
[2022-03-18 07:50:35 EDT]     0B 001267test/
[2022-03-16 21:03:34 EDT]     0B 3f66b017508b449781b927e876bbf640/
[2022-03-16 03:20:13 EDT]     0B 6210d9e5011632646d9b2abb/
[2022-03-16 07:05:02 EDT]     0B 622f997eb0a7c5ce72f6d199/
[2022-03-17 08:46:05 EDT]     0B 85x8nbntobfws58ue03fam8o5cowbfd3/
[2022-03-16 14:59:37 EDT]     0B 8b437f27dbac021c07d9af47b0b58290/
[2022-03-17 21:29:33 EDT]     0B abc/
[2022-03-16 11:55:55 EDT]     0B zips/
[2022-03-17 11:05:01 EDT]     0B zips202203/
[2022-03-18 09:18:36 EDT] 262KiB STANDARD Install cPanel|WHM on AlmaLinux with Let's Encrypt 7.png

Create a new bucket using the syntax:

mc mb minio/<your-bucket-name>

For example, creating a bucket with the name testbucket1

$ mc mb minio/testbucket1
Bucket created successfully `minio/testbucket1`.

The bucket will be available in the console.

In case you need help when using the MinIO client, get help using the command:

$ mc --help
  mc - MinIO Client for cloud storage and filesystems.


  alias      manage server credentials in configuration file
  ls         list buckets and objects
  mb         make a bucket
  rb         remove a bucket
  cp         copy objects
  mv         move objects
  rm         remove object(s)
  mirror     synchronize object(s) to a remote site
  cat        display object contents
  head       display first 'n' lines of an object
  pipe       stream STDIN to an object
  find       search for objects
  sql        run sql queries on objects
  stat       show object metadata
  tree       list buckets and objects in a tree format
  du         summarize disk usage recursively
  retention  set retention for object(s)
  legalhold  manage legal hold for object(s)
  support    support related commands
  share      generate URL for temporary access to an object
  version    manage bucket versioning
  ilm        manage bucket lifecycle
  encrypt    manage bucket encryption config
  event      manage object notifications
  watch      listen for object notification events
  undo       undo PUT/DELETE operations
  anonymous  manage anonymous access to buckets and objects
  tag        manage tags for bucket and object(s)
  diff       list differences in object name, size, and date between two buckets
  replicate  configure server side bucket replication
  admin      manage MinIO servers
  update     update mc to latest release


Tha marks the end of this guide.

We have gone through how to deploy and manage MinIO Storage clusters on Kubernetes. We have created a persistent volume, persistent volume claim, and a MinIO storage cluster. I hope this was significant

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