Simulink Fundamentals | QuizAug20 | MATLAB Helper Quiz Contest

 2 years ago
source link: https://matlabhelper.com/quiz/mh-quiz-contest-aug20/
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MATLAB Helper Quiz Contest

MH Quiz Contest - Aug'20

Quiz Theme: Fundamentals of Simulink

Refer Online Course on Simulink Fundamentals.

This is a MATLAB Helper ® Quiz Contest focusing on practical and theoretical knowledge of the theme. The quiz comprises 25 multiple-choice questions of easy/moderate/difficult (1/2/3 marks) level with NO negative marking and only one correct answer .

To succeed in the quiz, you must score 60%+. Once achieved, you will be eligible for the MATLAB Helper ® Certificationwith instructions shown on the quiz result page and sent to your email. Do place an online order and fill the Google Form to prove your identity with your order details. Your verified certificate will be issued within 48 working hours of process verification.

What are you waiting for? Participate in this quiz and test your skills.

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