The Great Paradox of Cryptocurrency

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.wired.com/story/the-great-paradox-of-cryptocurrency/
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The Great Paradox of Cryptocurrency

WIRED’s editor in chief shares thoughts on crypto scammers, the future of Russia’s internet, and more from the next issue.
Abstract cubes and the color green.
Illustration: WIRED; Getty Images

WELCOME TO THE first edition of System Update. I’m Gideon Lichfield, WIRED’s editor in chief, and System Update is my look at the issues our team is trying to make sense of—and your chance to tell us what else we should be paying attention to. This monthly column will also go out to WIRED subscribers as a newsletter, and you can weigh in with your thoughts and questions in the comments section below. Without further ado, here’s the update.

The Great Paradox of Cryptocurrency

Nothing we’ve published in my first year as editor of WIRED has hit me as hard as next month’s cover story. It’s an excerpt from staff writer Andy Greenberg’s forthcoming book Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency, and it relates how a motley crew of federal investigators and blockchain analysts took down the world’s biggest online repository of child sexual abuse material—a dark-web site with the chillingly banal name “Welcome to Video”—and got hundreds of abusers arrested by tracing the supposedly anonymous cryptocurrency payments they had made to the site.

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