Show HN: A poem inside HTTP response headers

 2 years ago
source link: https://ja.cob.land/http2-204-a-poem
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HTTP/2 204

(a poem)

Jacob Evelyn

“HTTP/2 204” is a poem that lives entirely within the headers of an HTTP response.

What does that mean?

The poem

I composed this poem entirely from standard HTTP response headers. When the poem’s URL is requested, my server sends a “no content” HTTP response (status code 204, using the HTTP/2 protocol) whose headers form the poem. You can view the poem in your computer’s built-in terminal by running the following command:

curl --head https://ja.cob.land/http2-204
How do I run that?

Note that some computers have older versions of curl which may modify the poem slightly by using HTTP/1.1, adding a connection header, or alphabetizing the header fields.

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